Page 64 of The Other Brother

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“I do. Thank you very much. Let me take your coat.”

I took the flowers from him as he slipped out of his jacket and handed it to my father. “Let me go put these in water. Dad, I’ll pour you a glass while I’m in there.”

I filled a vase and situated the flowers within. Ever since I’d told Tanner my favorite flower, he continued to bring me fresh bouquets to replace the last wilted bunch.

I uncorked the wine and poured my father a glass. Filling our apartment with little things like vases and wine glasses made it feel like home. More and more, I was getting used to living in New York. I’m sure being with Tanner had something to do with it, too. Being with him made me feel like I belonged.

When I got back to the living room, my father was showing Tanner pictures of my mother in the frames on the wall.

“You look just like her.” Tanner wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Thank goodness for that,” my father said, laughing as he rubbed his bald head.

I ran my fingertips over her golden hair in the photo. “She was so beautiful.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your father,” Dad said to Tanner. “How’s he doing these days?”

“He’s just weak and tired a lot. Doesn’t have much of an appetite. My little sister, Khloe, helps keep a smile on his face … on all of our faces.”

Dad nodded solemnly. He knew all too well what the Brooks family was going through.

“Did you decorate your tree?” I asked, wanting to lighten the mood.

“We did. I even went with Chase and helped him pick out a tree for Merritt’s apartment. He plans on surprising her with it. She said she didn’t want one.”

“Merritt is his brother’s girlfriend,” I explained to Dad. “She lost both her mother and father, and she’s all alone.” I squeezed Tanner to my side. “Tanner’s family has been taking care of her.”

“They sound like wonderful people.”

Tanner smiled. “They are.”

I knew they were, though I hadn’t met them. “They have to be. They made you.” I stretched onto my toes and kissed Tanner’s cheek.

Tanner’s father’s health was looming over us. I prayed every night that he would make it through the holidays. I wanted Tanner to have one last Christmas with his dad.

Tonight, we could smile and enjoy the moment. Soon, it would all come crashing down.


“I can’t believe your brother is giving Merritt a car for Christmas. She’s going to freak. I wish I could see the look on her face.”

I chuckled at Charlotte’s enthusiasm. “It’s more than just a car. The car was her father’s. They built it together when she was growing up. It holds a lot of meaning for her.”

Her eyes widened. “This is the car Merritt was in when she crashed the night of his funeral?”

“Yup. This is the one. Chase didn’t have the heart to let them take it to the junk-yard. He brought it here and has been working on it ever since.”

“And you’re helping him.”

“I am.”

“I thought you couldn’t stand your big brother.”

I smirked as I grabbed the wrench I needed from the toolbox. “It’s more for Merritt than my brother.”

In addition to helping Chase with Merritt’s car, I wanted to fix up Charlotte’s car for her as a surprise. She’d complained about the dents and scratches when she first bought it, and I wanted to make it look shiny and new. I just didn’t know how to get my hands on it without her noticing. It would take at least a few days. I needed a plan.

“I like Merritt. I haven’t met her, but I like her.”
