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“Make love to me, Scout,” she says. It’s a quiet and gentle demand, one that wouldn’t hold power over anyone who isn’t madly in love with her. For her, she holds far more power over me than she realizes.

“Birdie, you just woke up,” I start attempting to reason with her, but her head shakes rapidly from side to side.

“I just…I need you to erase it again,” she whispers as she wraps an arm around my neck to pull me down to her level. I brace my arms on the bed to try and hold on, actively avoiding her hurt shoulder.

“Wait baby, you were hurt pretty badly in the accident. I don’t want to hurt you anymore,” I say, shaking my head and I kick myself in the ass. I have never denied her anything she wants. This is definitely a first, and my heart hurts just thinking that I can’t give that to her right now.

“I’m hurting more in here,” she pauses and uses her braced arm to point to her head. “I saw things I didn’t want to see. Relived them…please help me quiet my thoughts for a while, Scout?”

“Baby bird, I’m really trying here.” The lump in my throat is large, far too big for me to swallow yet that doesn’t stop me from trying. “You’re not in the right headspace…”

“Do you love me or not?” She quips, jerking backward to get a better look at me. “Because right now, I’m in a head space where I feel completely alone. It’s not going to fucking kill you to kiss me, unless you’ve thought about breaking up with-”

My lips land on hers heavily, no warning whatsoever. I refuse to have her question my love for her because some fucking whore decided she didn’t want to play princess with her boyfriend. Birdie is one of the few individuals I will not risk losing. If she wants me to make her demons go away, then fuck it. Do I feel like it’s going to bite me in the ass later? Yes. Will I have her question our every interaction because I won’t make love to her? Absolutely not.

So, I have no other choice except to give her what she wants. Not that I’m complaining, I just don’t want to hurt her anymore than she already is.

Yanking back, I level her with a gentle but stern gaze. “Last chance. I know you’re upset with me, but if I make love to you, right here, right now, there’s no running from me.” She nods, her arm gripping the nape of my neck with her nails and attempting to claw me back to her. “I love you more than life itself, Birdie. I would give my last breath to you if it meant you could have one more, but you don’t get to run. You stay. We talk. We do this. Together. I will beg for the rest of my life for your forgiveness, but you will not retreat into yourself.”

“Scout,” she starts, but I land my lips right back onto hers cutting her off.

“I’m serious. You need to promise me.” Her once hard and brittle gaze softens more and more as we stare through one another. “I can’t make love to someone who won’t vow to love me back.”

“Oh, Scout,” she sighs, her hand coming to rest on my cheek. Instinctively I lean into the simple touch. “I promise.”

That’s all I need to hear. Dipping back down, I kiss her, this time slower and with ease. I pour my heart into this kiss with her, not giving her any reason to doubt my love for her. It may be stupid that I have her promise me something like not running away, but I refuse to have her run into herself. No retreating. It’s now or never. Especially after that fucked up photo, I want to do everything in my power to make sure she knows she is loved. I just also don’t want to jeopardize her mental health. It’s a sticky area, but I’m willing to navigate it for her.

“I love you, baby bird,” I whisper against her lips as I dip my tongue to graze her lower lip. Jaw dropping just a hair, I kiss her fervently. She clings to me as if her life depends on it. Clawing her nails deeper into my neck, her grip nearly brings my full body weight onto her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Scout,” she huffs as she begins to retreat. I grab the remote for the hospital bed and lower it more. It can’t be flat because of her shoulder and that’s perfectly okay with me. Grabbing the edge of the blanket, I yank it off of her which leaves her legs open to my feasting eyes. Even after being in the hospital for multiple days, she is still utter perfection.

I move away from her much to her dismay and scoot further down. She must realize my intentions because she props her knees up and lets them fall out to give me room to work. A low rumble grows inside my chest, her sweet pussy on display for me as I inspect her. She blushes deeply, which most likely is because she is not shaved. Good thing for her, I don’t give a fuck. What’s that saying? Explore the wilderness.

Just as she goes to shut her thighs, I push them open and spread them with my shoulders as I dive in. One long lick is enough for the little thread of self-restraint to snap. Her good hand slides quickly into my hair as I devour her thoroughly. The noises she makes vary as I go, and when I notice she is getting close to release, I stop. Wave after wave of near orgasmic bliss, I ease her off the ledge.

“Knock it off,” she growls, irritation fully engulfing her tone. I chuckle against her, the vibrations causing goosebumps to rise on her flesh under my hands.

“I think you’re mistaken, sweetheart,” I mumble against her clit, swirling my tongue around it slowly. “This is me groveling. I will eat your pussy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I will beg you for forgiveness every single day of my life for something that I didn’t even do. That’s how much I fucking love you,” I pause to bring my fingers to her hole. Inserting a finger slowly, her tight cunt squeezes around me. “But I’m in charge.”

Not giving her any more chances to chat, I dive right back in. Shoving my middle finger in with my ring finger and angling them just right, I find her g-spot almost immediately. Her hips buck off the table, her moans echoing off the walls. There is no possibility that someone hasn’t heard us, but I don’t make that fact known nor do I really care. She is mine to have and to fucking hold, I will do what I damn well please.

If she demands I make her cum, that’s what I will fucking do or die trying. Unfortunately for her, that doesn’t have to mean I do it right away.

“If I had two fucking arms, I would kill you,” she shrieks loudly as I rip away from her right as she was about to cum.

Smirking, I sit up and unbutton my jeans. My cock is already hard from devouring her, so pulling it out is a bit harder without fully standing up. I give myself a few tugs, watching as she glistens with cum from my continuous edging and her eyes shining with lust.

Ignoring her outburst, I brace my weight with one arm next to her head while I use my free hand to guide myself into her heat. Her sharp inhale, high pitched cry, and her tightness squeezing my cock are all signs that she is in for the long haul. Pulling all the way out, I nudge myself back into her until I get further in. Over and over, I work myself inside her and give her a few moments to adjust.

Once I’m nearly all the way in, I retract entirely and slam home.

“Shit!” She screams, her hand flying up to grab my shoulder and dig her nails back into me. It’s minimal pain, but it’s enough to keep me grounded and aware that she is in no shape to be rough with.

I pause, waiting for her to look up at me. When she does, she is about ready to scream until she sees my face, which immediately softens.

“I hope you know how much I love you, baby,” I say sincerely, leaning down to plant my lips on hers. She nods against me and rolls her hips to try and get me to move. I don’t comply with her, instead raising backup to look at her face. “I’m serious. You questioned me when I had never given you a reason to. I have been waiting years for you to give me a chance. Why would I ruin that now that you have finally given me a chance? Why would you run instead of talking to me??”

“Not right now,” she groans. Her eyes close and head turns to avoid me, probably her attempt to also avoid the question.
