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“I’m Garrett,” he says, reaching his hand out toward me. “I figured if we’re going to be camping on this bench, we may as well make acquaintances.”

“Uhm,” I hesitate, looking from his hand to his face. He doesn’t waiver, keeping it stretched far longer than socially normal. “Raven,” I reply though I don’t return the handshake. I refuse to give any potential identifiers to find me later.

“Raven,” he purrs as he moves a bit closer to me. “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be out this late. There are monsters out here in the dark.”

“I can handle myself, thanks,” I scoff, standing from the bench and backing up. “Nice to meet you, though I am meeting a friend later and need to figure out how to get there.”

“You’re not meeting a friend,” he retorts sarcastically, grabbing my wrist and pulling my body to his.

“Let go of me,” I snap. Struggling in his hold, he keeps me tightly tucked into him. “Get your hands off-” his spare hand lands harshly on my cheek, my head whipping to the side as copper fills my mouth.

“You’re going to shut your fucking mouth,” he grunts, moving us backward. I continue struggling against his hold, unsure what will happen if I don’t fight back.

“Fuck you!” I spit, literally landing a wad of saliva in his eye. His grip loosens enough for me to get his grip off of me. Taking off in the opposite direction, I scream.

“Help me!” I don’t want to risk glancing behind me, simply running toward where I came from. “Someone please help me!” Those words seem like jamais vu as they leave my mouth, but I don’t have the space or brain capacity to think about it too long.

“No one can hear you!” He shouts from behind me, the smacking of his shoes on the concrete growing closer and closer. “You’re going to fucking regret running!”

The sidewalk seems to come to an end, a giant brick building taking up my space. What the fuck? Turning left is the only way I can go, so I do. Pity me because it’s a fucking dead end.

“No,” I gasp, my lungs punching in my gut to catch air while simultaneously refusing to send the oxygen to my brain. Before I can come up with a plan, I’m slammed into the wall roughly.

“You’re such a naughty girl,” he grunts, moving my hair aside and gripping my neck tightly. Harsh bricks scrape into my cheek, the tip of my nose barely touches the rough wall. His one hand holds both of mine hostage, not letting up even while I struggle to regain control over myself.

“Get off me,” I squeak through the pressure. A whimper makes its way through my tightly clenched throat. His breath is rancid against my face, almost like his mouth is rotting.

“You were wearing this short, short scrap of material. Weren’t you just asking for it?” His free hand, the one that seems to have a mind of its own, roams my body freely.

“I didn’t wear this for anyone!” I sneer, bringing my knee into his groin. He doubles over, and I manage to slip past him. Just as I take a few steps, my hair is yanked backward. He doesn’t waste any time in slamming me into the putrid, damp alley floor.

“Going to finally take what’s mine,” he growls in my ear. Snapping my eyes shut, I just will him to leave me alone.

Chapter Seven

It’s been three days since they had to sedate her again. I can’t even keep track of how long she has been here. My heart hurts just thinking about her pain and discomfort. The doctor’s warned me that they weaned her off the medication, but it’s up to her on how long it will take for her to come back to me.

Clasping her hand tighter in mine, I kiss her knuckles gently. “If you can hear me, give me a sign that you’re going to be okay, baby bird.” I sigh against her skin, my eyes squeezed tight in an effort not to cry for the millionth time today.

“Fuck off.” Snapping myself straight, Birdie’s eyes are closed but her brows are furrowed. I shoot out of my seat and turn the illumination down for the overhead lights. They are blinding and can give you a headache within minutes of being on. Rushing back to the chair beside her, she is immediately glaring down at me. I can’t help but be grateful that she is awake at all. There is fire inside of her. Raw and pure, a flame that I’m willing to burn in as long as she is willing to let me.

“Baby bird,” I gasp, a sob suddenly catching in my throat. I didn’t think I had anymore tears left to cry, but here I am. A fucking wimp. “I’m so sorry, baby bird.”

“The baby?” She asks, shooting upright in the bed. She suddenly looks green, her upper body suddenly off its axis as I catch her sideways fall.

“You can’t make any sudden movements. You just…” I pause, staring right into her soul. She is angry. Pissed, actually. But there is also an unrelenting love. That’s something I can hold onto while she works her frustrations out on me.

“The. Baby?” She punctuates roughly, weakly pushing me off of her. I let her go, though I stay close enough to keep her hand wrapped in mine. Either she doesn’t notice or doesn’t care.

“Baby is fine, she is healthy and perfect so far.”

“She?” Birdie asks with wonder, her brows creasing in confusion.

“It’s too early to tell, but I have a feeling it’ll be a little girl.” Birdie’s eyes immediately soften, and she squeezes back.

“You have a fuck ton of explaining to do,” she says, her eyes narrowing at me in a threatening manner. Well, I assume she is trying to be threatening. All I see is a beautiful woman who appears tired, worn out, and emotionally drained. She is nothing less than perfect.

“I promise I will explain everything once we get you home,” I reassure, kissing the back of her knuckles one more time. She nods, looking away from me again and staring off at the other wall. I watch it with her for a few moments, not sure what we’re looking at exactly. “What’s wrong? I should have called the doctor earlier.” Rising from the seat, I don’t even take a step away from her before I’m yanked back onto the bed.
