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“Yes, right now.” I rock back into her a few times to get her to loosen up, which works greatly. “If something happened to you…I don’t know what I would have done.”

“You would have moved on,” she huffs as though it’s the easiest thing in the world.

“Is that what you would have done?” I retort back and the realization sinks in. “No, you would not have. Let’s try this again, and this time, I want you to take this fucking seriously.”

Jerking roughly, I slam into her over and over again as she tries to hang on. I fuck her roughly, which is contrary to my previous thoughts, but if she is willing to sass me, I’m willing to fuck the attitude out of her.

“Yes!” She grins as she bounces on my cock. Her legs loop around my hips to lock me in, which doesn’t usually work, but I let her guide my thrusts for a few more moments. My balls draw tightly, my spine starts to tingle, and I immediately stop to pull out.

“You could have died!” I shout, realizing that my emotions are suddenly overwhelming me. “They could have fucking taken you to God knows where, and then what? If it weren’t for the girls, I never would have known you were pregnant!”

My head whips to the left, my body stiffening in shock from her smacking my cheek.

“If you answered your fucking phone, maybe I could have told you,” she grits, shoving my upper body. I don’t move. I don’t say anything. Instead, I pick up speed and wait until she is coming on my cock before getting up, zipping up my jeans and heading toward the door.

“You have no fucking clue what I am doing for you right now, Birdie. I fucked up, I get that, but you left. I didn't fuck that girl, you can ask any of the people at the bar that I shoved her off of me. But no, you ran.” She has the audacity to look ashamed of it. “I get you’re angry and want to forget what happened, but when you can talk with me like a grown adult instead of taking it out on others, then we can discuss it. Right now, I’m going to let you have some air because I think that’s best.” Turning on my heel, I touch the door knob before she stops me.

“You don’t get to fucking walk away,” she calls, her voice wobbly and wet.

“I’m the Devil, and you’re my sweetheart. There is no me without you, so I’m not walking away, but I am giving you space. I get that I mean so little to you, but you mean the absolute world to me. I will be back when they do an exam on the baby.” With that, I open the door and hurry out of there before I can second guess my decision.

Chapter Eight

“Wait!” I call out, ripping the blanket off of me and sitting up. The world spins, and before I can fully get out of the bed, several nurses swarm the room.

“You need to lay down, Ms. Yarrow,” one in the pink scrubs nicely demands.

“No, I can’t,” I struggle against their arms, tears welling in my eyes at the thought of Scout leaving me. What have I done? “Please!” I scream, thrashing against their arms to try and get out.

“If you don’t calm down, we will sedate you!” The older male nurse yells, and my movements pause. “You need to lay down and get some rest. I don’t know what happened, but he will be back,” he says in a stern, no bullshit tone. Whipping my head to look up at him, he levels me with a glare. He gives off fatherly vibes. I haven’t felt that in a long time, not since my father left. Swallowing thickly, I nod slowly before letting them slide me back into the bed.

“How do you know?” I croak, terror and a sadening ache settling in my chest. “You don’t even know him, how can you even reassure me he will be back?”

“I will call for a psych consult, Rich,” the young female nurse says as she gets ready to walk out.

“No,” the older male nurse, Rich, calls, stopping her in her tracks. “Assign me here for now. Tell the doc that I will be here until the next rotation.” I don’t know if the man is some big wig, but the girl leaves without even a backwards glance. The rest of the staff file out one by one, making sure that the guy staying behind has whatever he needs.

He grabs a chair and sidles up next to the bed. Posture relaxed and hands folded on his lap, he doesn’t say anything. We stare at one another awkwardly as we both wait for the other to do something. Say something. Maybe he’s waiting for me? Fuck, I don’t know. After what feels like an hour, he releases a small puff of air before opening his mouth.

“You asked how I could possibly know what it’s like to be in love,” he starts. I open my mouth to correct him, but he anticipates this because he puts his hand up in the universal ‘stop’ motion. “If you’re foolish enough to push someone away, then you are in love. It may be platonic or not, but you love them. That’s all that matters, Birdie.”

“I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t come back,” I scoff as more tears leak down my cheeks. I swipe them away aggressively, irritated by my own stupidity.

“He will.” His stare goes off in the distance for a moment, a wistful look on his face before he turns back to me. “When I saw you, it was like a sense of deja vu. Looking in a mirror for my own Clareise. I walked away when I shouldn’t have, and I knew from the moment I left that I would never be able to live without her.”

He doesn’t say anything after that, again looking in the distance for several long moments. The silence grows far too thick for me. “What happened?” My question is barely a whisper in the air, but I know he heard it from the slight twitch in his shoulders.

“We were newer in our relationship, and my father tried to marry me off to another woman. I wanted nothing to do with it, but Clareise wasn’t one of those women who took no for an answer. Even if it ended up devastating her…” he trails off, his nose scrunching and eyes glassy as I witness his painful recollection. “She knew she was my everything from the moment she asked me on that date. We may not have been established, but the connection was instant. I had no clue that my father was going to do that to me, to us.”

He swallows thickly, his throat bobbing as he attempts to clear the obvious lump in his throat. The redness in his face deepens. “Look man, we don’t have to talk about this.” I absolutely want to know his story, to get reassurance that Scout might come back…

“She got so mad,” he chokes, smiling sadly at me. “He told me about the supposed engagement the day I told him I wanted to marry Clareise. I swear he had a conniption fit. I remember us both getting into a screaming match about his forcing me to bend to his will. I thought I lost the argument, and I wanted to tell Clareise of my father’s betrayal. Though I didn’t expect her to be happy about it, she was furious. She lashed out at me, which I later realized was self-defense. She told me that she hated me, that she never truly loved me. That she was better off without me…I didn’t believe a lick of it, yet I had nothing else to go off of. I thought our futures together had come to an end…”

“What happened?” I’m metaphorically sitting at the edge of my seat. The fear that I ran Scout out of my life for good has me nearly ready to combust.

“I married the other woman.” A sob escapes my throat at the painful words. He looks pained and angry mixed together, my heart just sad for the man who lost the one thing that meant the most to him. “We married and moved away. I thought about Clareise everyday for the first three months of my marriage. I don’t know if it was a miracle of some higher power or what, but the other woman passed away in her sleep when I was away on a trip for my father. When I found out, they immediately questioned me because I couldn’t have been more happy. Yes, there was a moment of devastation that a woman had lost her life, but she was the one thing standing between Clareise and I.” That’s definitely not the outcome I was hoping for. Fuck!

“I called her the next day, but of course, she wasn’t home and no one had her new location, so I flew to her. I knocked on her door incessantly until she answered. She saw my face, slapped me so hard I thought I was going to black out, then kissed me like we wouldn’t get another chance.”
