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“It’s not a privilege. When you start from nothing, you can make yourself into something. It’s fear, not privilege.”

“I’m sorry,” I sigh again, bringing my knees in front of me and dropping my head onto them. My brain is far too full for everything else at this point.

“Believe me, I know what it’s like to be on the brink of losing someone so important.” He slides down the wall next to me, laying his arms over his knees.

“You look ridiculous,” I laugh sadly. He is in a suit, the normal attire for the royalty himself, and he is sitting on the floor with me.

“I’m sure I do, but you do too.” He bumps his shoulder with me, and in that moment, I realize that everything is going to be okay. I have hope that Birdie is going to be just fine.

Chapter Six

Flashback - Four Years Ago

“Ifucking hate this song,” I grumble as I click the next button on my iPod. Scout uploaded I Wanna Love You by Akon that he’s had on repeat for the past year, and I’ve seriously had enough of it. I’ll admit that it’s super catchy, but now that it’s been playing non-stop every day on the radio before school, I just want to make it stop.

“Hey, baby,” Scout purrs jokingly, sliding up next to me on my walk. He slings his arm over my shoulder and drops a kiss on my hair. Giggling, I shove him away playfully.

“Hey yourself, I can’t believe I let you burn me a playlist,” I say, feigning irritation. The look on his face is pure stricken horror.

“Are you saying my taste in music is garbage?” He brings his hand to his chest, inhaling deeply dramatically. Rolling my eyes, I take the headphones off and put them on his head. Ms. New Booty by Bubba Sparxxx blasts so loud even I can hear it. He grimaces and takes them off with a slight tint on his cheeks.

“So?” I sass, my hands landing on my hips as I stop to assess him. He shoves his hands in his pockets, his chin dipped down to his chest.

“Yeah, that was not a great choice.” He shrugs, glancing at my current outfit. I’m wearing my new pleated skirt with tights underneath, my new cut off striped tee-shirt and my converse. I got four compliments on the outfit just today! “I can admit that wasn’t the best song choice.”

Jaw dropping, I smack my hand on his forehead. “You don’t feel warm,” I mumble, narrowing my eyes at him. “Are you feeling okay?” He swats my hand away from him, lacing our fingers together with a laugh.

“Hey now, I can admit when I’m wrong,” he shrugs. He brings my hand to his mouth and places a gentle kiss on the back of it. It’s my turn for my cheeks to turn warm. “I’m meeting a buddy later tonight to hit the town. You should come.”

“I don’t know, I have to study for a mid-term coming up.” I know I should say no out-right. Professor Zig hates me to his core and will fail me with every chance he can get. But Scout juts his bottom lip out and gives me these puppy eyes that I can never resist.

“Fine,” I sigh exasperatedly. “I’m only staying for an hour, then I have to go,” I laugh, jerking him along with me as we walk back to the carpark.

“How is she doing, doc?” His voice sounds familiar, but I can’t place it. “It’s been several days without any update or anything.”

“She doesn’t have…” the man’s voice fades out, who I assume is the doctor, and I can’t hear anything besides bitter mumbling between the two deep voices.

I can hear them…only it doesn’t sound like them anymore…

“I think I’m going to head out,” I call over the booming speakers. Scout laughs with his friend who has a girl sidled up next to both of them. He gives me a thumbs up, though I don’t know if he even heard me. I motioned over my shoulder with my thumb, and he waves me off. Okay, so he did hear me.

I figured he would at least walk me out to an Uber, yet he seems so enraptured by the two girls and his friend that I’m just a post-thought. I’m not going to complain. It was nice of him to even invite me out. I just stayed at the counter and to myself all night anyway, so my leaving isn’t going to bother him any.

Pulling up the app, there are several listings but they’re all booked for at least two hours. Looking around, the streets seem packed enough for me to walk to the bus stop. I should be able to get back to town from there. In this moment, I’m thankful I wore my sneakers.

Several groups bypass me going toward the clubs as I leave. Gaggling girls, frat boys on the hunt, everyone in between. My phone buzzes in my purse, and I pull it out to see that there is a text notification. My heart skips a beat for a second thinking it was Scout. Unlocking the device, my hopes are immediately crushed. It was from Scout, but not how I envisioned it.


Hey, don’t wait up. We’re going bar hopping with the girls. Not sure when I’ll be home *smiley emoji*

Huffing a frustrated laugh, I lock the phone and walk faster to the stop. The farther I get, the quieter the streets become. As I approach the empty lot, the silence is loud. Looking at the street, a set of tail lights flash orange, and I groan in annoyance. If that was the last bus, so help me…

Opening the app, I check the time and stop location.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I groan, dropping heavily into the seat.

“Did I miss it?” A guy shouts, running toward me. Furrowing my brows, I sink lower into the seat to make myself a smaller target. “Shit,” he groans, his hands gripping his hair in visible frustration. He drops next to me on the bench and sighs heavily. After a minute, he glances toward me with a small smile. Something in it immediately sends chills down my body. Giving him a tight lipped smile of my own, I scoot farther down the bench.
