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I settle our bills, tipping the bartender generously. We then head outside with her hand holding my arm.

“Where are we going?”

I turn to look at her, our faces only inches apart. “I’m lodged in a hotel just around the block.”

It’s one of my hotels, but I don’t tell her that.

She flashes a mischievous smile. “Hmm, okay.”

My driver brings my car around, and we both get in the back. I press a button, raising the partition to give us some privacy.

Jessica is looking at me with lust in her eyes as I bring my face closer to hers and place my hand on the back of her neck. Her lips slightly part, granting me access.

I capture them in mine, and I can still taste the martini that she had at the bar. She lets out a throaty moan as I gently nibble her lower lip.

We continue to kiss, unable to keep our hands to ourselves until we arrive at the hotel.

We only take a break to walk inside, and the moment we get in the elevator, we resume kissing. This time, I have Jessica pinned against the wall with my body.

An elderly couple steps in at some point, but we don’t bother to stop —they can watch if they want.

When we get to my floor, I carry her over on my shoulders before I start walking to my room.

“What are you doing?” she asks, laughing. “Put me down.”

I smack her butt lightly. “Stay still.”

“If anyone sees us, they will think you’re abducting me,” she continues.

“How about they mind their business?”

I slide my key card across the door, opening the room, and the moment I put her down after stepping into the room, her eyes widen in surprise as she looks around the room.

“Wow! This place is like a whole apartment.”

“It’s a penthouse suite.”

She turns to look at me, smiling. “A penthouse, huh?”

“How about we continue where we left off?” I pull her against my body. I’m not in the mood for talking.

“I concur.”

I grab behind her thighs as I lift her, and she wraps her legs around my waist in a swift move. As we resume kissing, I carry her to bed.

I love the feel of her lips against mine, and the soft moan that escapes her mouth as I caress her body.

I help her out of her dress to see she’s wearing a matching black bra and panties that make her look so sexy.

When my fingers get to her waist and I take off her underwear, I’m surprised at how ready she is.

“So wet,” I murmur.

“That’s the evidence of what you do to me,” she says with mischief.

We both hold eye contact for a split second before I bring my head between her legs and take a deep inhale of her scent.

As my mouth finds her pussy, she throws her head against the bed, moaning. I love how she tastes, and it makes me want to taste more of her.
