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I use my finger to pleasure her clit as I lap upon every drop of juice that she has to offer. Jessica is writhing on the bed, crying out my name as she rides through her orgasm.

“Come here,” she pulls me up breathlessly, and she seals her lips with mine, giving me a taste of herself.

“I want you inside me so badly,” she murmurs against my mouth.

“Say no more.” I kiss her one more time before I reach for the bedside drawer, opening it to get out the pack of condoms that I usually keep there.

“It’s not fair that I’m undressed and you’re still clothed.” She starts to unbutton my shirt as she speaks, and soon, we are both naked together in bed.

I open the condom, roll it on, and in a second our bodies are joined as I slip into her tight pussy that clenches hungrily around my cock.

This feels so right. Being inside her feels like it’s the place that I ought to be. She bucks her hips, crying out and begging for me to go faster.

Some time later, we lay in bed, still naked, curled up in each other’s arms, breathless.

“That was awesome,” she says in a sleepy voice, and she falls asleep on my chest almost immediately.

I wait a while before I slowly get out of bed, get dressed, and leave her a note on the dresser telling her I had a great time. Then I sneak out of the room and head back home.

As much as I enjoyed my time with her, I wouldn’t want her to mistake it for something else by cuddling and falling asleep with each other. It’s a one-night stand and nothing more.

“Where to, sir?” my driver asks as he opens the back of my car for me.

“To my penthouse.”

I have some paperwork to finish before I call it a night.

When I get to the house, I’m surprised to find my younger sister, Amy, curled up on a couch in my living room, a glass of red wine in hand and a large bowl of popcorn in front of her as she watches a TV show.

“What in God’s name are you doing here?”

“Oh, you’re back, welcome,” she looks at me briefly before returning her focus to the screen.

“Again: why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Miami with Mom?”

“Yeah,” she waves her hand. “I got bored and decided to come back.”

“And you thought the best place to come back to is my own? Why didn’t you go home?”

“Because I will be lonely, obviously. You’re distracting me from watching my show.”

“Last I checked, this is my house. How did you even get in?”

She packs a handful of popcorn into her mouth. “You gave me an extra key, remember?”

“That was in case there was an emergency, not for you to drop by unannounced whenever you feel like it.”

“And who said it wasn’t an emergency? Why are you so worked up, anyway?”

I shake my head as I take a seat on a couch adjacent to hers and take her glass of wine from her.

“Hey, I was drinking that!” she protests.

“Well, go get another glass.”

“How have you been? Are you and Lysa back together?”

“No, we are not. Why do you ask?”
