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As I walk over toward the bed, I hear the sound of Leo following behind me. A smile lifts my lips and my heart skips a beat as it begins to pump faster. Adrenaline floods me and I spin around to face him as I stop by the side of the bed. He's right there, entering my space as he pulls his shirt up over his head and tosses it onto the floor. My gaze drops down to his mouth and I watch his lips part, expecting him to say something, but he doesn't. He closes the small amount of space between us, his hand sliding through my hair as he grips the back of my head, claiming my mouth with his own.

His other hand drops down to my ass and he inches me closer to the bed. His lips don't leave mine and the backs of my legs press against the side of the mattress. He tastes like regret and I relish it. I know there will be the inevitable walk of shame afterward, but for a little while, I want to pretend like that doesn't exist. I want to pretend like being with him is where I'm supposed to be.

Leo's tongue is soft like silk as it tangles with mine. He's slowly devouring me, like a predator feasting on its prey. What Leo doesn't realize is we are one and the same. He's my prey while I'm simultaneously his. If he didn't want me, his mouth wouldn't be melting with mine and he wouldn't be pushing me down onto the mattress.

I'm completely naked, sprawled out on my back on the bed. Leo hovers over me for a second before he pushes off the mattress. I lift my head, watching him as he strips out of his boxers and pants and discards them on the floor. Now we're equal.

Leo moves back to me, his hands pushing my knees farther apart as he lowers himself onto the bed and settles between my legs. Moisture pools between my thighs. Leo pauses for a second, pulling away as he spits into his hand and strokes his cock three times to get it wet. He looks down at me, the tip of his dick pressing against my center.

"Is this what you want, pretty girl? Is this going to wash away my debts?"

I stare at him for a moment, absentmindedly reaching up and trailing my fingertips over the chiseled planes of his torso. "Only if this is what you want."

A deep groan rumbles in his chest. "I want nothing more than to sink deep inside you." His eyes are on mine, the flames burning brightly in his irises as he begins to push the head of his dick inside me. My body stretches around his length, accepting him. I lift my arms, sliding my fingers through his hair as I grip the back of his head. Applying a subtle pressure, I pull him closer to me.

He shifts his hips, sinking deeper inside me, filling me completely. My lips part and a soft moan escapes me. Leo's mouth instantly crashes into mine and he swallows every sound that leaves me. He draws the oxygen from my lungs, breathing me in. Consuming me. Instinctively, I lift my legs to wrap them around his waist as I pull him as close as I can. He thrusts into me and our mouths melt together.

Shifting his hips, he pulls out slightly, just leaving the tip inside before he slams back into me again. We break apart, both of us coming up for air as pleasure ripples through my body. My hands drop down to his shoulders. My nails bite into his flesh as I cry out in unadulterated ecstasy.

"Jesus Christ, Aria," he murmurs against my lips before he slides his tongue along the seam. "I could fuck you forever."

His hands move away from my hips and slide down to my ass. He shifts onto his knees while simultaneously lifting me up. It creates an angle that gives him deeper access. Thrusting again, he fills me to the fucking brim. It's a tight fit, but he feels like he was made for me.

"I hate you, Leo," I moan, my back arching as his balls smack against me and he starts to fuck me harder. "I hate the way you make me feel. I hate that you make me feel."

"Yeah?" he murmurs, nipping at my bottom lip. He pulls his hips back and slams into me with such force it feels like he's inside my rib cage. "Don't stop there, baby. Tell me how you hate me." He chuckles softly, his hips moving in a rhythm that has me lifting my own to meet him. "It's a mutual feeling."

He shifts, his mouth dropping down to my breast, and he pulls my nipple into his mouth. I writhe underneath his touch. He thrusts once again, pounding into me, over and over. It feels like at any moment he's going to split me into two. With every movement, he pushes me closer to the edge. It won't be long until we're both falling into the inevitable abyss. I never want this to end.

His hand trails back down my body until both of his hands are gripping my ass again. Pain mixes with pleasure and we're both a mess of moans. My nails scrape his back. There will undoubtedly be marks all over his flesh in the morning. I don't care.

I want anyone who looks at him to know that he's mine.

Even though he really isn't…

Leo lifts his head, a smirk playing on his lips as he watches me. I can feel his balls constricting. Our surroundings are fading away and we're both losing ourselves in one another. But I'm not ready. I don't want him to come. I don't want it to be time for us to fall asleep, only to wake up in the morning like this never happened.

I want this to last as long as it can.

I still my body, blocking him with my hips as I plant my hands against his chest. Worry crosses his features and he abruptly stops. We're both breathless and it feels like a wasted attempt to try and catch my breath. Leo tilts his head to the side, his eyes searching mine with a hint of desperation.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

I shake my head at him. "No, I'm fine."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Yes and no," I tell him, as I try to push him to the side. My efforts are useless. I can't move him at all. A frustrated sigh escapes me and Leo laughs softly. "Roll onto your back."

A smirk drifts across his lips and his hands grip my ass harder as he flips us over. His cock stays inside me and he rolls onto his back, pulling me on top of him at the same time. The mattress shifts under our weight and the bed frame groans as we shimmy back to the center of the bed. My legs are on either side of him as I straddle his hips. The roles are reversed and I'm in control now. At least, I feel like I am, but I know I'm really not.

Leo is still running the show here, even if he's letting me think he's not.

Leo's hands find my hips and he starts to lift me in an attempt to take over. My pussy clenches around him and I stare down at him, shaking my head as I try to pin him down with my hips. That movement is also a joke. Leo lays there because he wants to. If he wanted to be the one doing everything, I wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Stop trying to top me from the bottom," I grumble, my hands finding his wrists and pulling them away from my hips. I plant his hands against the mattress and hold him down. "I want to fuck you."

"Well," he drawls as a look of amusement mixes with the lust that is burning in his gaze. "That's all you had to say. Have your way with me, please."
