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His body relaxes against the bed and I begin to shift my hips, rocking up and down. Using my hips, I lift up before sinking back down his length. His cock fills me, stretching me in all the right places. Releasing his hands, I move my own to his chest and plant them against him as I start to move a little faster. Leo brings one of his hands back to my hip and the other settles between my legs.

His skilled fingers find my clit and he begins to circle them, driving me closer to the edge as I ride him. My movements become frantic, the warmth building deep within the pit of my stomach. My orgasm hits me without any other warning. I cry out as I clench around him, coming apart at the seams. I can't think straight. I can't move. I'm paralyzed by pleasure and entirely lost in Leo Wells.

I feel his hands move to my hips and he takes over as he fucks me from the bottom. It doesn't take long—only two thrusts—before he's losing himself inside me, filling me with his cum. I feel the warmth and he says my name into the darkness of the room as he continues to pump his hips.

"Fuck, you were made for me," he murmurs as he begins to slow. Leo stares up at me, both of us completely breathless, and he's transfixed. I collapse onto his chest and he links his arms around the small of my back. He pulls out of me and I feel the mattress shift as he gets off. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" I ask him as I turn to look at him, but he's already in the bathroom.

I slowly sit up as I hear the water start running in the shower. Leo walks back into the room, still wearing nothing as he walks over to me. He leans forward, bending his knees as he slides his hands under my ass and lifts me into the air. I let out a gasp and instinctively wrap my arms and legs around him. Turning back around, he heads in the direction he came from, carrying me into the bathroom with him. The glass door to the shower is hanging open and he steps inside before lowering me to my feet. My hands are still on his shoulders, holding on to him as he pulls the door shut behind us.

Leo backs me into the hot water and I close my eyes as it pelts down on my skin. The heat soothes my muscles and my body grows even more relaxed. Releasing Leo's neck, I lift my hands and begin to smooth my hair under the stream. Leo moves closer to me, his body almost completely flush with mine. I feel his arms as he reaches past me and pumps some of the shampoo into his hands. He pulls me a step away from the showerhead so my hair isn’t under the spray anymore. His hands push mine from my head and begin to lather, rubbing the soap against my scalp.

I can't help it as I moan and melt against him. The aftershocks of the orgasm he gave me, the feeling of the hot water and him massaging my scalp, has my knees feeling like they could buckle. His hands lightly push me back into the water. With my head tilted back, he rinses the shampoo from my hair. The water soaks it, the long strands stretching down the length of my spine. After he washes my hair with conditioner, we switch places. I take my time, working the shampoo into his scalp. He lets me push him back into the water as I make sure the soap is washed away. We take turns washing each other's bodies and I stand in front of Leo under the water, washing the soap from his skin.

Leo opens his eyes and slowly drinks me in, his gaze starting at my toes, trailing over the entirety of my body, before landing on my face again. His hands find my hips and he pulls me flush against him. The water beats down on the two of us. He lifts his hands to cup my face.

"You're so fucking perfect," he murmurs as his mouth drops down to mine. Our bodies are wet and slick from the water. Leo pushes his hand through my hair, gripping the back of my neck as he kisses me with an intensity. His tongue slides inside my mouth, dancing with mine as I clutch his shoulders, afraid I'm going to slip and fall.

I feel his cock pressing against my stomach. Reaching down, I wrap my fingers around his length and slowly begin to stroke him as he kisses me deeper. A moan escapes him and I swallow the sound as we take turns stealing the air from each other's lungs.

"I need to fuck you again," he groans, his teeth biting into my bottom lip. He releases my flesh and runs his tongue across the half-moon indents he left behind. His hands drop down to my hips. “Turn around for me, baby.”

Spinning on my feet, I face the glass wall, turning my back and my ass to Leo. He pulls my ass back toward him and I lift up on my tiptoes to give him better access with our height difference. His cock presses against my center and then he’s sinking inside me, not stopping until he’s filling me completely.

A breathy moan falls from Leo’s lips and he begins to shift his hips, pulling out before sliding back in again. Every movement is calculated and fluid. He strokes my insides with skill, quickly pushing me closer to the edge of ecstasy. Planting my hands against the glass wall, I push back against him, taking every inch as he begins to pick up the pace, fucking me harder. His movements become frantic, driven by a need deep inside. One hand grips my hip as the other moves up to my neck. He slides his hand around the front of my throat, squeezing it lightly.

“I love how you look taking my cock,” he groans, pumping his hips harder. My body rocks with the force of his thrusts and I brace myself harder as I take it all. His grip on my throat tightens, restricting my airway just enough that I can still breathe, but it also has me seeing stars.

Warmth builds in my stomach as my orgasm nears. It doesn’t take long. A few more thrusts and I’m coming undone, losing myself around him. My pussy clenches around the length of his cock, squeezing him as he slides in and out. I cry out, my body shaking from the pleasure that explodes within me. Leo comes half a second after I do. He slams into me, my name leaving his lips as he fills me with his cum. He doesn't stop until there's nothing left, until the two of us are riding out the waves of euphoria.

Moving his hand from my throat, he slowly drags his fingertips from my spine before pulling out of me. I instantly feel his absence and my body feels thoroughly satiated and simultaneously exhausted. Dropping my heels to the floor, I straighten my spine and Leo turns me around to face him before he's pushing me back into the water.

His hands are gentle as he washes the cum from between my legs. I'm lost in a daze, lost in his touch. He washes himself off again and turns off the shower. My eyelids are heavy as he wraps a towel around me. I step out of the shower and he grabs another towel, crouching down as he begins to dry my legs. "Let's get you dried off and into bed."

"I can do it myself, you know."

He looks up at me as he begins to stand upright again.

"I know you can," he tells me as he begins to dry the rest of my body. "Which is exactly why I want to do it for you."

A lazy, sleepy smile pulls on my lips. "If you want to pamper me, I'm not going to argue with you."

"I may have to fuck you more often if it makes you this agreeable."

"You wish," I say playfully as I let him dry my hair. Leo's silent for a moment as he wraps a towel around me and begins to dry himself.

When he finishes, his hand finds mine and he threads our fingers together. He leads me out of the bathroom and back to the bed. The mattress dips under our weight and he pulls me down with him, wrapping his arms around me as he pulls me flush against his body. My eyelids flutter shut and I feel his warmth as he buries his face in the nape of my neck.

I'm drifting off to sleep when I finally hear him speak. His words are barely audible, but they don't get lost in the darkness of the night as he whispers them against my skin.

"If only wishes came true."



"Ithink congratulations are in order."
