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"What's wrong?"

I swallow roughly, my fingers still laced with hers as I stare down into the depths of her gray eyes. My jaw tenses for a moment before I release the muscle. "Did he touch you?"

She pulls her lips between her teeth, wetting them. She blinks and shakes her head. "No. He was trying to, but you stopped him."

I close my eyes for three breaths. My nostrils flare as I inhale deeply and exhale. I'm relieved that he didn't do anything and I was able to stop him before he did. That still doesn’t erase the thoughts of him already disrespecting her when she told him not to do it. The thought of someone hurting Aria has me seeing red. Blood red. That man's blood painted all over the wood floor of the bar.

"Come on," she says quietly as she pulls on my hand. I open my eyes and look down at her as my breathing slows to an even pace. She nods her head in the direction of the hotel room, her ponytail bobbing with the movement. I let her lead me down the hall and we pause for a second outside as she holds her card to the keypad. The light flickers green and it beeps as the door unlocks.

Aria turns the handle and I push open the door, my hand meeting the solid wood above her head. I hold it open for her, letting it fall shut behind me as I step inside after her. I watch her for a second as she disappears into the bathroom and I turn back to lock the door. I walk over to the bathroom, stopping just inside the doorway as I see her at the sink running a washcloth under the water.

She lifts her head, her gaze meeting mine in the mirror as I stand behind her. Her eyes don't leave mine as she finishes wetting the washcloth and turns off the water. Spinning on her heel, she turns to face me. "Come sit," she instructs, pointing to the edge of the bathtub.

I obey without any hesitation. I step into the bathroom and drop down onto the edge as she moves closer to me. She lowers herself down between my spread thighs until she's on her knees in front of me. I had imagined her like this before, except the circumstances were a little different. The way I imagined it she had my cock in her mouth instead of her cleaning blood from my face.

Her touch is gentle as she slides the washcloth against my skin. She wipes the blood from my chin and below my lip before she makes her way to where it is split open. Her eyes are on my mouth as she begins to blot it against my swollen lip. "You know, I never asked how your shower was this morning."

I resist the urge to tilt my head to the side as I raise an eyebrow. "It was good. Why do you ask?"

"I heard you in there."

My heart skips a beat in my chest as I replay my early morning shower. The same shower that I stroked my cock to the thought of her and came all over the wall. "What do you think it is that you heard?"

She stops for a second, a fire burning in her eyes as she looks at me. "I heard you moaning my name."


My cock is hard at the thought alone and the memory plays out in my mind again. Aria presses the washcloth against my lip again. I let her linger for a second before I reach for her. My fingers wrap around her wrist and I slowly pull her away from my mouth. "Did you like listening to me come?" I ask her softly as I take the washcloth from her hand and drop it onto the floor. Cupping her chin, I tilt her head back as I run my thumb over her perfect bottom lip. I simultaneously run my tongue along the cut in mine. "Did you like knowing I was fucking my hand thinking about you?"

Her breath hitches. "I did," she admits as her hands fall onto my lap. She spreads her fingers on my thighs, gripping them through my pants. "I want to hear it again, but this time, I want to be the one making you come."

Jesus fuck, the mouth on her.

"First, I want to fuck that pretty mouth of yours."

Aria rocks back onto the balls of her feet, the fire burning with intensity in her irises. "Be a good boy and stand up and take out your cock."

I waste no time as I rise to my feet and do what she says. I unbutton my pants and slide down the zipper as Aria lifts herself up on her knees. Her hands reach for me as soon as I push my pants and boxer briefs down. Her palm is warm and soft as she wraps it around the base of my cock before wrapping her lips around the tip. A groan rumbles in my chest and I instantly tip my head back as my hand grips the top of her head. She inhales me, taking as much of my length in her mouth as she can before it's too much.

She begins to move, pumping her hand as she bobs her head back and forth. She tightens her lips around my cock as she pulls me in and out, fucking me with her mouth. The real thing is so much better than what I imagined. Her mouth is warm and wet, her tongue soft like silk as it slides along the underside of my dick. I could die now and I would die the happiest man on the fucking planet. I lift my head to look at her, watching my cock slide in and out.

"Look at how fucking sexy you look with my cock shoved down your throat."

Aria smiles around me as she begins to move faster. She doesn't stop as she takes my cock in deeper every time until I'm hitting the back of her throat. She gags, but she quickly recovers and doesn't let it deter her. I can't help myself as my hips start to buck. I hold her head, guiding her as I meet her with my own thrusts. I'm fucking her face while she's fucking me. A warmth builds inside me before I combust without warning. It spills over into my veins, running rampant through my system, as my orgasm takes over my entire body.

"Fuck, Aria," I moan as I spill my cum into her mouth. My head falls back and my entire body is a blazing fire of pure ecstasy. "That's it, baby," I murmur as I look at her again, my orgasm still tearing through me. "Suck me until there's nothing left."

Her head bobs a few more times, milking me dry. My body's humming and my cock is tingling as she slowly pulls back, releasing me. I straighten my head and look at her as she rises to her feet. She grabs the hem of her sweater and pulls it up over her head before she drops it onto the floor. My gaze is locked on hers as she unhooks her bra and lets that fall to the ground. Her hands slide beneath the waistband of her pants and she pushes them down her thighs, dragging her panties with them until they're pooling around her feet.

My cock is instantly hard again.

Aria stands back upright and she turns away from me as she walks to the door of the bathroom. My eyes follow the curves of her body, watching the way her ass moves as she walks. She stops, looking back over her shoulder as her gaze meets mine with mischief dancing in her eyes.

"Now you owe me."


