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Leo's eyes are burning with a deep desire, the swirls of brown mixing in his dark irises. I watch the way his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows roughly. The robe I'm wearing is now pushed to the sides, resting on the bed on either side of my torso. I'm left completely bare and exposed for him to feast upon with his gaze. His eyes glaze over a bit as they begin to roam across my body and his fingertips follow suit. He drags the tips of his fingers across my collarbone and down my sternum, stopping as he reaches the top of my stomach. My breathing hitches as goosebumps break out and cover my skin. My nipples are instantly hard and his gaze drops to them.

"You are so fucking perfect, I hate it," he murmurs as he reaches for my shoulders and lifts me up before pushing the robe down my arms. He strips me from it and discards it onto the floor without a single care. I'm wearing a pair of lilac underwear that are cut like bikini bottoms. His touch is tender as he pushes me back down onto the plush mattress. He's still wearing all his clothes, but the expression on his face leaves him completely exposed.

He's vulnerable and I like him this way. It's like he doesn't know how he's supposed to act. It's a stark contrast to the typical cold exterior he shows to the rest of the world. Instead, he's a fire burning brightly under the full moon. Something shifts within him and his eyes darken a bit as a smirk slides across his lips.

"I can't wait to have my way with you," he says softly as he grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head. He tosses it down onto the floor as my eyes begin to roam over his body. His torso looks like it was hand-carved and sculpted by an artist. The defined muscles and the way his skin is taut across them. I resist the urge to reach out and touch him, as I'm still waiting for him to be the first to make a move. He grabs my ankles and pulls swiftly, dragging my ass to the end of the bed so my legs are dangling off the edge. "I look forward to thoroughly fucking you out of my system."

I regain my breath and my heart races inside my chest, thumping hard against my rib cage. "I hope it works."

"So do I," he says as he begins to spread my knees apart and steps into the space between my thighs. He plants his hands on my legs and begins to lower himself to his knees. I lift my head to look at him as his fingers hook beneath the waistband of my panties. He slowly begins to drag them down toward my feet until he leaves me completely naked on the bed. "I know I said just one taste last time, but I'm failing to remember how good it was."

Leo settles between my legs, his fingers splaying out on the insides of my thighs as he holds them open for himself. He smiles at me with lust dancing in his irises as he begins to lower his mouth to the apex of my thighs. His lips brush against my center and I swear, I almost die right there on the spot. I forgot how much I craved his touch and how good it actually was. His mouth is warm and wet as he parts his lips and begins to slide his tongue along my pussy. He licks me in one lap, applying pressure to my clit as he brushes past it. My hips instinctively buck and I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and bite down, resisting the urge to cry out.

“I remember now,” he groans as he adjusts himself between my legs.

My body is already humming and my nerve endings are tingling. Somehow this man has become like a drug to me. I haven’t had a full dose of him, but I’ve been chasing that high from him since the first time I felt pleasure from Leo a few months ago. I’ve slept with a total of zero people since then because for whatever reason, I couldn’t get this man out of my head. I’ve been on dates, I’ve entertained the idea of messing around with someone else, but when it actually came to hooking up, I couldn't go through with it. None of them kissed me or touched me quite like he did, so I've been spending my days in a sexually frustrated haze. Even my own toys weren't scratching the itch for me. They don't compare to the way Leo knows how to play me like a fiddle with the tips of his fingers and his tongue.

He continues to work his mouth against me. Every now and then he slides his tongue deep inside me before suctioning his lips around my clit. I'm coming undone, bursting apart at the seams with just this little amount of contact with him. His fingertips dig into my flesh as he eats me like a starved man. Alternating between teasing and going full force, my body doesn't know what to do anymore. All I'm doing at this point is hanging on for dear life as I wait for that inevitable plunge that is going to leave me soaring to unmatched heights of ecstasy.

"I could spend the rest of my life eating this sweet pussy," he murmurs against my flesh before flicking my clit again. He rolls it around, applying the perfect amount of pressure that has my eyes rolling into the back of my head. I'm so close and I don't want him to stop. I try to lift my hips and he chuckles as he pulls his mouth away from me. "You want to come, don't you?"

Lifting my head, I look at him and nod before closing my eyes as I inhale deeply.


His hand comes in contact with my pussy, sending a hot stinging feeling across my flesh that has me crying out in pleasure. My eyelids fly open and my lips are parted as my mind registers what just happened. He just slapped my pussy and it may have been one of the hottest things I've ever experienced.

"Words, Aria."

Jesus Christ.

"Yes," I breathe out, nodding with a desperation I've never recognized in myself before. "Please, Leo. Please let me come."

"You beg so well. I think you deserve to be rewarded for that." His mouth suctions around my clit once more. A moan escapes me as my head drops back down onto the bed. He holds me down and begins to move his tongue against me, showing no mercy. My mind can't even decipher what is going on anymore. All I know is I'm chasing after that high and that's the only thing that matters.

Leo doesn't stop as he continues to fuck me with his mouth. He knows exactly what he's doing. My hands grip his hair, pulling on the locks while still pushing his head between my thighs. I think I feel him smile against my pussy, but I’m not sure. He flicks his tongue once more before flattening it against my clit, working it in circles until I'm completely coming undone.

My orgasm hits me like a fucking freight train. His name spills from my lips in a moaning chant. I don't even bother trying to compose myself as my body writhes beneath his touch. My legs shake, my hips bucking. He pins me down and feasts upon me until I'm drifting into the abyss. My body feels like I've been doused in kerosene and lit on fire. And it's the sweetest, most euphoric inferno I've ever experienced in my life. I'll gladly stay like this, floating in and out of ecstasy as the warmth consumes my body.

This is borderline addicting.

As he lifts himself away from between my legs, I lift my gaze to meet his. The flames in his eyes mimic the feeling that's still spreading throughout my body. Leo's chin is damp from my pleasure and he smirks as he wipes it away with the back of his hand. His hands drop down to the waistband of his pants and he hesitates as his eyes search mine. "Is this what you want?"

"Yes," I tell him without a second thought. It's not a lie. I want him. I want to feel him everywhere. I appreciate him asking and needing verbal consent rather than just doing whatever he wanted to me.

Leo unbuttons and unzips his pants. My eyes follow his movements as he begins to push his pants and his boxer briefs down his thighs. He bends forward, pushing them down to his feet, and steps out of them as he straightens his body. His cock is hard and I swear it looks like it has its own heartbeat as it throbs. My eyes widen slightly as I take in the sight of him. He's literal perfection. He is the type of man you want to keep you safe and give you babies. I can't help but stare at his dick as I try to measure it with my eyes. It's big. Like big big. Like I don't know if it's going to fit inside me big.

"Fuck. I love seeing you like this," he groans as he fists his cock and pumps it twice with his hand. "Look at the way your pussy's glistening. You're so ready for me, aren't you?"

"Yes," I breathe as I lift my hands to reach for him. He moves closer and motions for me to move farther up the bed. He follows after me, crawling onto the mattress. It dips beneath his weight and he settles between my legs as he plants his hands on either side of my head. A soft gasp escapes me as he presses the tip of his cock against my entrance.

He hesitates, his eyes bouncing back and forth between mine. "Shit," he mutters, his eyebrows pulling together. "I don't have a condom."

His words irritate me. He's so fucking close to me right now and I just need to feel him inside me. Shaking my head, I hook my ankles around the small of his back and urge him forward. "I'm clean and I have an IUD."
