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"Thank fuck." He lets out a sigh of relief. A smile dances across his lips and the fire in his eyes burns deep. "You have no idea how badly I need to be inside you right now."

"I think I have an idea," I assure him as he begins to ease himself into me. I can't help myself as my eyelids flutter shut and a moan slips from my lips. Leo matches me, a low moan rumbling in his chest as he fills me to the hilt. His girth stretches me in a way I didn't think was possible. His length literally takes my breath away as he situates himself completely inside me. I struggle to catch my breath.

Leo slides one hand beneath my ass, holding up my hips as he lowers himself down onto his forearm. He strokes the side of my face, brushing hair from my cheek. "Just breathe, baby," he murmurs as his fingertips dance across the side of my face and trail across my lips. "You can take all of me."

He begins to shift his hips, slowly stroking my insides as he pulls out and pushes back in. He never fully pulls his cock out the whole way. Instead, he just pulls back until it's only the tip inside before sliding back into me. His movements are deliberately slow as he continues to work my body, stretching me out to accommodate his size. I swear, I've never been with someone built like him. At first, there is a bit of discomfort since I'm not used to him, but as he continues to move, it's only getting better. My pussy clenches around him, holding him tightly as he pistons his hips.

"You take my cock so well," he breathes before his lips find mine. They sweep across my mouth, his tongue pushing between my lips as it finds my own. Our tongues tangle together as he continues to thrust into me slowly. I want more. I want it all. I want him to fuck me into oblivion until there's nothing left.

Leo pulls away from my face and moves his hand away from my ass as he pushes himself off the bed. I immediately feel his absence. He stares down at me for a moment, his gaze raking over my body. I love the way he's looking at me right now. I never want him to stop. He grabs my hips as his eyes meet mine. "I want to fuck you from behind."

"So what are you waiting for?"

Leo chuckles softly and shakes his head. "You're something else, pretty girl." He abruptly grabs my hips and flips me over so I'm lying face down on the bed. His hands are still on my hips and he lifts them up into the air, positioning me as he pulls my ass back toward him. "If I didn't plan on being alone forever, I'd consider making you mine."

He takes my breath away again as he thrusts his cock into me without warning. My body lurches forward, but he holds me in place by my hips so I don't fall onto the bed. His movements are a bit more rushed than they were before, like there's an urgency to the way he fucks me. His fingertips bite into my flesh as he moves faster and harder, each thrust more powerful than the one before. He slows to a stop out of nowhere. Abandoning my left hip, he slides his hand along my spine, leaning into me until his palm reaches the back of my neck. He's not forceful, but he pushes me down toward the bed until my chest and the side of my face are against the mattress. My hands fist the bedsheets as he starts to move again.

"God, you're so perfect with your ass in the air like this." He moves his hand to the top of my back and holds it between my shoulder blades as he keeps me in place for a moment. He moves slowly as he removes his hand and brings it back to my hip. Both of his hands move to my ass cheeks and he parts them as he begins to slide in and out of me. "One day I'm going to fuck this ass."

A moan escapes me, my eyes screwing shut at the thought of him inside me there. It's something I've never done with anyone before and excitement licks at my veins. I don't comment on how this is supposed to be a one-time thing. He's supposed to be fucking me out of his system, not making plans of how he's going to fuck me in the future and the different ways he's going to do it.

Leo begins to move again, thrusting in rapid succession as he fucks me even harder. His fingers are digging into my skin as he holds me firmly. My own knuckles are turning white with how tightly I'm gripping the sheets. I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge as he pounds into me. He strokes my insides with every thrust, hitting that sweet spot that has me curling my toes. He lets go of one of my ass cheeks and slides his hand in front of me until his fingers are between my legs, brushing against my clit.

"I want to feel you come on my cock," he moans as his balls slap against me. He rolls his fingers over my clit again and again. "I want to hear you screaming my name as you shatter into a million pieces."

He applies more pressure, his fingers circling me, and I can feel it coming. I'm so close and with the way he's moving, I think he's right there with me. He groans, his hand gripping my ass tighter. His cock fills me deeply with every thrust, undoubtedly bruising my insides. The pain mixes with the pleasure and I fucking love it. I've never been one to like pain, but this is so different than anything else I've ever had with someone. He's tender, yet he knows exactly what he wants. He wants my pleasure and I'll gladly give it all to him if he has me soaring through the clouds like this.

“That’s it, Aria,” he groans as he thrusts again, simultaneously rolling his fingers over my clit. “Come for me.”

That's all it takes for me to fall over the edge. My orgasm tears through my body and he's coming with me, spilling his warmth deep inside me. His thrusts slow and he murmurs my name as he releases my ass and his hands are suddenly all over my body, softly stroking my skin in the most tender, featherlight touches. He continues to rock into me, each thrust longer and slower until we're both riding the high of each other. I collapse onto the bed as he pulls out of me. I feel the bed dip as he leaves me there on the mattress alone, but he isn't gone for long. Leo comes back to the room and I roll onto my side as he sits down beside me. He parts my legs, his gaze landing on my pussy as he slides his finger through our cum.

"I like you like this, with my cum dripping out of you." He pushes his finger inside me and slowly pulls it back out again before he places a warm washcloth against my center.

"What are you doing?" He catches me off guard by his actions—this isn't something anyone has ever done for me after having sex—so I go to reach for his hand. "I can do that."

His eyes find mine and he pushes my hand away. "Shut up and let me take care of you."

My lips part and I watch him for a beat as he cleans me up and disappears back into the bathroom to leave the washcloth in there. While he's gone, I quickly climb off his bed and pick up my robe and underwear. I don't want to be the one to ruin the moment, but I can't help but feel like it's already over. Leo reappears, still completely naked as he leans against the doorway and watches me.

"Running away so soon?"

I lift my gaze to his as I stand upright, holding my robe in one hand and my panties in the other. "I should probably get back to my room. We have to be up early to skate."

His expression is unreadable as he pushes off the door frame and walks over to me. He closes the distance between us, and he reaches out to take my robe from me. "Stay here tonight."

I stare up at him, swallowing roughly. "This was just a one-time thing."

Leo drops my robe onto the floor and cups my face as his body moves flush against mine. His face drops down to mine, his lips brushing against my own. "I changed my mind. It's more of a one-night kind of thing now."

"We'd better make the most of it then." I smile as my hands reach for his waist.

"My thoughts exactly."

Leo pushes me back toward the bed, falling onto it with me as his lips crash into mine.


