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She stares up at me, shifting her weight on her feet as her eyes shimmer beneath the lights in the hallway. "We do, don't we?"

"I want to know yours."

I can't stop the words and they just fall from my lips. Any logical or irrational thoughts I once had are completely gone. I don't even possess the ability to control the things I'm saying. Aria stares back at me, her eyes widening slightly, but she recovers. Instead, a fire begins to burn deep within her irises. She tilts her head to the side, almost as if she isn't sure what to do next or how to respond.

And then she surprises me.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

Goddamn her. As much as I want her to play along, a part of me wishes she would have told me to fuck off or chose to not respond. Instead, she just opened a door that I know I don't have enough self-control to close.

My feet move and I close the distance between us. Aria doesn't take a step away from me. The soft hint of her perfume invades my senses and I breathe her in. Aria tucks her snacks back into her pocket as I lift my hand and run my fingertips along the seam of her plush robe that crosses over her chest. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?"

"Don't question me like I don't know what I want, Wells," she says in warning, straightening her spine as she lifts her chin more to look at me. I can't fight the smirk that lifts my lips. This is the side of Aria that brings me immense amusement along with frustration. She's confident and isn't going to back down from a challenge.

And I can't be the one to make her fucking bend.

"What is it you want, Aria?"

She levels her gaze on mine. "I want you to stop talking," she admits as she smiles sweetly at me. "I want you to finally collect on your debt, unless you're too afraid to do that."

A chuckle escapes me. "You think I haven't collected because I'm scared?" I shake my head as I cup the side of her face and run the pad of my thumb along her bottom lip. "I haven't collected it because I'm not sure you can handle it."

She narrows her eyes on mine and her lip moves against my finger as she talks. "You don't know me that well then, do you?" She nips at the tip of my finger, her teeth grazing my skin.

"Perhaps I don't," I muse out loud as I stare down at her. She's beautiful and I like her worked up like this. Her body deceives her, although I don't think she's actively trying to hide any reaction. Her chest rises and falls in every shallow breath she takes. "Do you think you might want to show me?"

"Show you what?" she breathes as she instinctively takes a step closer. Her body is almost flush against mine and I want to know what the fuck is under that goddamn robe. Her heat radiates from her body. Abandoning her lips, I slide my hand around the back of her head, pushing my fingers through her hair as I tilt her head back even farther. Her neck elongates and it can't be comfortable in that position as she maintains eye contact with me.

My face slowly inches closer to hers until I can feel her breath across my face. It smells faintly of chocolate and I smile. That chocolate bar in her pocket isn't the first one she’s snuck from the vending machine. My lips brush against hers but I don't kiss her. Her hands reach for my waist and she holds on to my hips in an effort to keep herself upright as I don't let up the pressure on the back of her head.

"Prove me wrong. Show me you can handle it."


That's all I need for my mouth to end up crashing into hers. The tension between us is so goddamn thick, it swirls in the air around us, encapsulating us as I slide my tongue along the seam of her mouth. Aria doesn't hesitate and parts her lips to let me in. My tongue slides against hers, soft like silk, tasting like rich milk chocolate. Jesus Christ, she's fucking divine. Her fingers dig into my skin and I kiss her slowly, drawing out every sweep of my tongue. She doesn't rush it, instead matching my energy. She doesn't mind the slow torture. Instead, she does the same, nipping and tasting, touching and teasing.

She drives me fucking insane and she doesn't even know it.

Abruptly, I pull away from her, both of us breathless as my eyes search hers. The flames lick her irises and I want to fucking burn in her. "Your room or mine?"

"Yours. I can’t get the temperature to turn up, so it’s an icebox in my room."

Bending forward slightly, I lean close to her and hook my hands behind her thighs, sweeping her into the air. Her breath leaves her in a rush as I lift her up. My hands are under her robe and her bare skin is warm beneath my hands as she wraps her legs around the small of my back. She doesn't say anything as her hands go around the back of my neck and she holds on to me as I carry her down the hall. This isn't the first time I've ever carried her, but every other time has been on the ice. This is different and intimate. I love the way she feels in my arms, the way her slender legs feel wrapped around my body. The way her hands wrap around the nape of my neck.

My footsteps are light and it doesn't take long before we reach the door to my suite. I press her back against the door and my one hand drops away from her thigh. "Hold on to me, Ari. I need to get my key from my pocket."

"Okay," she says softly as I push my hand into my pocket and retrieve the key.

I pull her back away from the door and she holds on to me as I use one hand to unlock and push it open. My heart pounds to its own beat inside my chest, but it rattles against my rib cage. Warmth is spreading through my body like wildfire and I have a deep-seated need to be inside her. We've been toeing this line for far too long–it's time. I don't know what happens after this and I don't even care anymore. If I can just have one more taste of her, I'll have had my fill and then I can close the door on whatever the hell this is.

The tension will dissipate and we can resume life like this never happened.

As we step inside the suite and the door closes behind me, Aria's lips find mine in the darkness of the room. My feet move us across the space and I struggle to not run into or trip over anything as I carry her to the bedroom. Aria's fingers slide up my scalp, her nails raking my skin as she runs her fingers through my hair. I fucking love her like this. She's just as greedy for my touch as I am for hers.

My thighs hit the bed and I slowly lower her down onto the mattress. We don't need any of the lights on with the way the moon shines through the window. It's big and full and it casts its light across the bed and across her body. Aria's hair splays out around her head, creating the illusion of a halo. She stares up at me as I reach for the sash of her robe and pull on it. It undoes the knot and I toss it to the side as I grab the lapels of her robe and begin to push them open.

My breath catches in my throat as I find out what she’s wearing beneath that damned robe…
