Page 96 of Fakecation

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“We’re dating?” Amelia asked for her. “Yes.”

Dana looked between them, then shook her head. “I didn’t even know you were ready to date again, Daniel.”

He frowned, the statement throwing him off. “I don’t usually discuss my dating life with my employees.”

“But Amelia . . .”

“Isn’t my employee,” he finished.

“Oh,” she said with a frown of her own.

“We won’t take up much of your time,” Amelia said, grabbing his arm. “We need to get back to my apartment.”

She dragged him away before he could say anything else. He didn’t give much resistance. He didn’t want to talk to Dana for too long anyway.

“Was that weird to you?” he asked.

“Definitely, but it will get the rumor mill turning.” She smiled up at him. “Good job.”

He nodded, looking over his shoulder at Dana. Her eyes were still on them.

“Maybe we should hold hands,” he said. “To make it more realistic.”

“You’re a level two-boyfriend, Daniel,” she said, sliding her hand into his. “Almost level three. You don’t have to ask.”

She pulled him deeper into the store, continuing to get groceries. He grabbed the few lunch and breakfast items he wanted, following along as she meandered through the store, looking at everything that caught her eye.

In the end, they had a full cart and a completed grocery list.

“I can’t wait to try that coffee I found,” she said as they walked to the car. “Maybe it’ll energize me enough to be excited for work.”

“With how nice that vacation was, I doubt either of us will have fun at work.”

“Other people will. I imagine Dana has told half the staff by now.”

“They were probably already talking too,” he said.

“At least you have this to cover up Lucinda.” She bumped her shoulder with his. “That should help.”

He nodded, helping her get the bags into the car. Once they got back to her apartment, they put it all up and made a quick dinner.

“You know, this is kind of nice,” she said as they cleaned up after eating. “Maybe not vacation-level nice, but still great.”

“This is still a vacation to me,” he said. “Being away from that apartment is more relaxing than you know.”

She set the last dish in the sink and dried off her hands. “More relaxing than a hot tub?”

His skin heated at the memory. “If you’re talking about the one at the condo, then I wouldn’t call that hot tub relaxing.”

“Then what would you call it?”

He could still feel the press of her ass in his lap and the way her lips felt against his. “I don’t have a good word, but I will always remember it. Every second of it.”

“Really?” Her voice lowered. “And what about the shower?”

“Even better.”

“Do you want to know what’s really great about being home?” She smiled. “I have condoms here, if that’s what you want, of course. It’s been a long day.”
