Page 95 of Fakecation

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Shopping with Amelia, he quickly learned, was not a focused task. She first got distracted by the flyer in the front of the store. Then she saw a kid with a miniature shopping cart and told their mom how sweet it was. Then she found the flowers.

“When I was a kid, I always used to say I wanted my wedding bouquet to be pink and orange,” she explained, gently reaching out to touch the petals. “But we came here for food. Sorry, I keep getting distracted.”

“It’s fine,” he replied. “We can look at the flowers if you want to.”

She bit her lip. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. These are the things I wouldn’t ever look at before. I think it’s time for me to start.”

“Okay,” she said. “Then what’s your favorite?”

He pointed out a blue and white arrangement a few feet away. They walked through the corner of the store, looking at each one.

“I’ve got to say—” She went back to the pink and orange one. “—this is my favorite.”

“Then we’ll get it.”

“Wh-what? We don’t have to—”

“If it’s your favorite, then I’ll get it for you. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t get you flowers?” He picked them up and offered them to her.

“Wow,” she said, sounding breathless. “You go all out, huh?”

“I’m working myself up to level three. Isn’t that the highest?”

“That’s the one where you know all the weird things about me,” she said, gingerly taking the bouquet from him, “so yes.”

“How am I doing?”

Her cheeks were a delicate shade of pink. “Pretty good.”

Daniel was tempted to bring her into a kiss. It didn’t matter that no one was watching or that this was fake. He simply wanted to feel her lips against his again.

“Oh my God,” a voice said. “Daniel, is that you?”

He blinked, turning to his right.

“Dana,” Daniel said. “Hi.”

“I can’t believe I ran into you,” she said. “You look so . . . relaxed.” Her eyes went to his hair, which was unstyled, and then to the woman beside him. “Amelia? You’re here too?”

“Oh, hi,” Amelia said, putting the flowers in the cart. “What a small world.”

“Did we all run into each other here?” Dana asked. “What are the odds?”

“No, Amelia and I came here together.”

Dana blinked. “T-together?”

He risked a glance over at Amelia, silently asking if this was okay. They may have agreed to do this relationship at work, but he needed to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind.

She gave him the tiniest of nods.

“Yes,” he said. “Together.”

“Shopping together,” Dana said. “And you were both gone the same week. Wait, does that mean—”
