Page 97 of Fakecation

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“I can’t think of a better way to end it.”

Amelia was the woman who’d supported him all day—acting like a partner he never knew he needed. The night in the shower was always in the back of his mind, and this new emotional connection made him want her even more.

She stepped close to him, and he could see the depths of her brown eyes only for a second before she kissed him.

His heart picked up speed as her lips slid against his. His hand moved up to cup her cheek, and he couldn’t help but wish this was real and this could be his life from now on.

But then her body pressed against his, and all thoughts flew out the window. Her tongue met his and their kiss became frantic.

He was calculating how to get to the bedroom when she pushed them onto the couch. He fell, her weight on top of him. His hands couldn’t decide what part of her to touch first, whether it be her hips, her ass, or her back, and all thoughts of even making it to the bedroom dissolved.

His cock was aching at the thought of having her this close. She ground down, giving him a taste of delectable friction. He could feel his own breath stutter as she moved against him.

“We need less layers,” he managed to say.

“You’re so right,” she replied. She sat up, pulling off her top. She then turned those brown eyes to him and got up. He was about to pull her close again, but she was working at his pants, pulling them off. “Happy now?”

“Not until all of yours are off.” He sat up too, removing her leggings in turn, then ripped his own shirt up over his head. Amelia left for a brief moment to grab a condom. Once he had it on, she took her rightful place on top of him.

His cock rubbed against her, and he caught her sharp intake of breath. He arched his hips up, noticing how her eyes closed.

“Good?” he asked.

Amelia nodded, her breath coming out fast.

He continued his work, watching her exquisite reactions as he made sure she felt good. Making her come was one of his new favorite things to do. And his own arousal only grew as he watched her pleasure.

Her hips met his, and she chased after what she needed. Her grip on his shoulders tightened and he could see the moment she broke. Her mouth fell open, body twitching as her orgasm sent her over the edge.

After she had a moment to collect herself, she finally looked at him. “That was amazing,” she said.

"Should I call you my good girl now?"

Her cheeks were red. "You remembered that?"

"I was mostly joking," he replied. "Both then and now."

"What if I said I liked it?"

"Then I'll remember that for next time." And there definitely would be a next time.

"But you can't call me that now." She gave him a devious smile. "Because I think I'm done being good. Now it’s your turn.”

She angled herself so his cock caught her entrance. As she slowly took him, inch by inch, he saw stars.

God, she felt unreal. So tight and hot and responsive. It was mental work not to come then and there. Her tight grip on his shoulders hadn’t relented.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“More than okay. This is possibly the best I’ve ever been. But now I need you to move.”

Daniel’s hands gripped her hips, and he thrust up.

“Oh fuck,” she said.

He moved her legs to get impossibly deeper, and his control finally snapped.

He went on like that for as long as he could, feeling her push back into him every time he slowed, but he couldn’t take much more.
