Page 94 of Fakecation

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“Man,” Amelia said, “she is a piece of work.”

“Dry bread pretending to be toast?”

“When my brain works with me, I can come up with devastating things to say to people I don’t like. Plus, I’d been working on those. I’m not her biggest fan.”

“Me either,” he replied. “Thank you for helping me get her out of here.”

“She’ll be back,” she warned. “Which is why my offer to stay with me was real. You’re welcome at my place. Until you get bored of me, of course.”

“I don’t think I will.” He felt his lips break into a smile. “I was hoping it was a real offer. Or else I’d be a little disappointed.”

“I’d hate to disappoint, but shouldn’t you be tired of me by now? We’ve spent a week always with each other.”

“I’m not tired of you. Are you tired of me?”


“Good. Hopefully, from here, there will be less drama. Until Lucinda calls, I guess.” As he said it, his phone lit up with a call. “Isn’t this on silent?”

“I put it on quiet mode, but someone insistent can get past it.” They both looked at this screen; it showed Lucinda’s name. “She literally just left, and now she’s calling you too?” He could hear the annoyance in her voice.

“She always does this whenever she wants attention.”

“Are you going to answer?”

“No, but she’s going to keep calling.”

“Why not block her?”

Daniel sighed. “If I block her, then my father will start asking questions.”

“Then, block him too.”

“He’s my father.”

“And what do you owe him? Other than him being your mom’s sperm donor?”

She wasn’t wrong, but he didn’t know if he could go through with it. “My family sometimes wants updates. Especially my sister. He disowned her after she came out.”

“Would she be mad if you stopped talking to him?”

“No, but I know I’m her last connection to him, and blocking him feels like it’s bigger than just me.”

“You don’t have to keep making yourself miserable, though, even if she wants updates. Besides, I’ve rocked the boat today, and both of them are going to be mad.”

“Maybe I’ll ask her about it next time we talk,” he said. “But for now, I can do this.” He turned off his phone.

“That’s a good call. Now, let’s get packed up and out of here. I don’t like the way it smells.”

After he packed, they wasted no time getting to Amelia’s place.

She lived in an older apartment building on the second floor. When he walked in, he could see how the place fit her personality. She had teal decorations and photos of her with her family and friends lining the walls. It was lived-in, not just for show. She gave him a quick tour, even clearing off the pillows on one side of her bed for him.

“Thank you for letting me stay,” he said.

“You’re welcome. But in the interest of being a good host, I have to go get some food. I was thinking of going to Trader Joe’s. Want to join?”

Daniel hadn’t been shopping with anyone in years. It hadn’t been Lucinda’s idea of a fun time. “Sure,” he said. “I need to get a few things anyway.”
