Page 93 of Fakecation

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“Come on, you can’t be mad at me for missing you.”

“Yes, I can. Especially when you’re with my father now. Did you come here to rub it in again, or are you getting bored?”

“Shouldn’t you care more?”

“I do care, but not about you. I care that you’ve embarrassed me, and I care that you’re invading my privacy, but I don’t care about you. That stopped the moment you cheated on me.”

“In a gross way too,” Amelia said. “I hope you know anyone with sense thinks you’re a gold digger. Besides”—Amelia turned to Daniel—“is she even on the lease?”

“Not anymore.”

Amelia turned back to Lucinda, who was glaring at her. “So, you’re trespassing.”

“I’ve seen you before,” Lucinda said after a moment. “Where?”

Amelia’s voice came out flat. “I work with him. I’m the head of HR, and the reason you’re not allowed in the building.”

Daniel had never mentioned Amelia, but in the rare times Lucinda would come to the office to show off their relationship, she would see his coworker and mutter something about having to stake a claim to ward off the pretty women in the office.

Lucinda’s blue eyes dawned with recognition. “You’re his new girlfriend?” she asked. “You?”


“So I had a right to be worried. You did have feelings for someone else.”

“Daniel and I only got together after you left,” Amelia cut in. “Unlike you, I understood that he had loyalty to his wife, up until you cheated and divorced him, that is.”

Lucinda looked Amelia up and down, and Daniel knew what she was about to do.

“Don’t,” he muttered.

“If you’re going after my man, at least you could tame that frizz. Or lose a few pounds. Whichever is easier.”

Daniel closed his eyes, knowing how much an insult like that could sting.

But Amelia laughed. “Is that all you could come up with? At least be a little more creative with it. Here, I’ll go first. You have the smell of a dog who was chased down by a skunk after not having a bath for six months. You have the personality of dry bread pretending to be toast. And you lost Daniel. A long time ago. So go back to pretending that your new man is perfect for you and find someone else to prey on. He’s taken.”

“Oh, you think you’re funny, don’t you? I had him first, and I can wear him down.”

“You’re not going to,” he said. “You’re just an annoyance. I don’t even know how you got in, considering I changed the locks.”

“The doorman is very interested in our relationship. He wants us together.”

“It must have really bothered you that Daniel was with me for a week out of town,” Amelia said. She slowly turned to him. “Do you want to stay with me? It’ll be better than here.”

His heart picked up speed. He wanted that more than anything, but he had no idea if she meant it or not. “Yes,” he said. “That would be great.”

“What?” Lucinda squawked. “But—”

“We’re going to be very busy packing,” Amelia said. “I’d been meaning to ask him to stay over tonight. Thanks, Lucinda.”

“You little—”

“Out!” Daniel snapped. “Or do I need to let your new fiancé know where you are?”

Lucinda’s eyes went wild for a moment, and he briefly wondered if she was going to lunge at them.

But then she ran.
