Page 89 of Fakecation

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“You too,” Daniel replied with a smile.

“It’s so weird not to be riding back with you,” Amelia added.

“It is, but I know coming back to our house makes the trip longer,” Mandy said. “Plus, you have an amazing driver with you.”

“Hah, that’s right. I’m so glad not to have to drive back alone,” Amelia said. Daniel smiled at her before John pulled him aside to exchange numbers.

“I’m serious about you two working out. Both in the gym and in general. You suit each other.”

An uncomfortable feeling settled in his chest. “Thanks, John.”

“Just . . . be patient, okay? I think her ex did more than she says.”

“I know the feeling,” he replied truthfully. He wondered if he would have ever admitted what Lucinda did if it weren’t for her and his father telling the world.

“Ready to go?” Amelia asked, walking over to him.

“I think so.” To John, Daniel said, “Thanks for giving me your number.”

“No problem. See you guys soon.”

They waved goodbye before getting into the car. Daniel sat in the driver’s seat automatically, hoping his father would hold off just until they got back to Atlanta.

“I didn’t expect them to like you so much.”


“I don’t mean that in a bad way,” she rushed to say. Her face was red. “I just meant that before you came, you were a different person, at least to me. I expected you to be all business.”

“I think I expected to just fake my way through this trip and never be myself.”

“I like the real side of you,” she admitted quietly. “It’s nice.”

He had to fight the urge to look over at her.

And that was when his phone jingled. His heart picked up speed. Could it be the announcement?

Another notification came in. And then another one.

“You know,” he said, his voice tight, “maybe we should top off the tank before we get too into driving.”

“That’s a good idea. Go for it.”

When they pulled into the gas station, Amelia went inside to use the bathroom and grab a coffee while Daniel pulled out his phone.

Michael Anderson had announced he was getting married to Lucinda Jackson—and he’d tagged Daniel in the post.

People he went to college with who knew Lucinda were messaging him, asking questions.

Is this really your father?

Didn’t you marry her?

She’s with WHO?

“Fuck,” Daniel muttered as he read through them all. His stomach churned.

The car door flew open. “Did he tag you in a post?”
