Page 90 of Fakecation

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“How did you know?”

“Mom is your Facebook friend. She saw it.”

“Your mom saw it?”

“She doesn’t know Lucinda is your ex.”

Daniel groaned.

“That asshole,” she snarled, shaking her head. “What can I do?”

“I don’t know. I have people messaging me and I don’t know what to say to them.”

“Do you have to say anything?”

“I . . . I don’t know. I’m so overwhelmed, and the messages keep coming.”

Amelia took the phone out of his hands, and he blinked over at her, confused.

“Those people can wait,” she said. “I think you need a minute to breathe.”


“You know what your dad said, and you know what he posted. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.”

It felt wrong to just put his phone away. So many people were probably waiting to hear his side of the story. They had to want to know what was going on.

But he didn’t want to explain it yet. While he was over his ex, he didn’t want to share the sordid story with people he hadn’t talked to in years. He didn’t want to stare at the post of Lucinda and his father, of all people, remembering the night he’d found out what she’d done.

“You’re right,” he said softly. “I need a break.”

“I’ll hold onto this. Are you okay to drive?”

“Yeah, I am. If I’m driving, I can’t look at social media.”

He drove on autopilot, listening to the near silence of the car.

But then, even that was shattered by his ringtone. He’d totally forgotten that he hooked up Bluetooth while he was driving. They both glanced at the screen in the car, and Daniel cursed when he saw it was his father.

“Don’t answer it,” she urged.

“He’ll just keep calling,” he said through gritted teeth. Before he could think twice, he pressed the answer button on the steering wheel. “What?” Daniel said, too annoyed to answer with anything else.

“You saw my post, right?” his father asked. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Amelia’s jaw drop.

“I did.”

“What do you think? Does it express my love well enough?”

Daniel should have been shocked by that question, and yet he wasn’t. He was more embarrassed that Amelia had to hear any of this. He didn’t even want to risk any more glances over at her.

“It’s fine, Dad,” Daniel said, his voice tight.

“Well, you should like it, son. And let me know if you’re coming to the wedding. Lucinda wants you there.”

He didn’t know what to say to that. It was all he could do to focus on driving. He’d much rather be screaming.

“Actually, he’s busy,” Amelia said, and Daniel was shocked to hear her speak up. “Very busy, actually.”
