Page 88 of Fakecation

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“Maybe one day.”

“Start getting her favorite foods. I’ll plan on making her a table at Thanksgiving, and you two can tell this epic story to us over dinner.”

“I don’t know that it’s going to end up like that.”

“We’ll see. Just tell me if she likes green bean casserole or sweet potatoes, okay?”

“And if you’re wrong?”

“I’ll make deviled eggs just for you. Now, get back to your vacation. I need to tell Chrissy all of this.”

They said their goodbyes, and Daniel took a minute to think on his sister’s words. He could still see it all happening.

But he could only hope it would actually come to fruition.

Amelia was asleep by the time he got back. She was on top of the covers, looking as if she’d fallen asleep on accident.

He got her under the covers before showering and pulling out his book to read. He didn’t get very far into it before the exhaustion from the day hit him, and he followed her into sleep.


A resounding knock on the door alerted them both.

“Hey, lovebirds,” Mandy called through the door. “We have to check out soon.”

“Okay!” Amelia called back. “Be out soon!”

As consciousness returned to him, a somber reminder flashed in his head.

Today is the day.

“We have so much to do,” she groaned. “I didn’t pack at all last night.”

They really hadn’t.

“I’ll start,” he said, eager to get his mind off of what was coming. He got up, immediately putting everything in his suitcase. Amelia helped, and they were ready within an hour.

“Are you guys all done?” Mandy asked as they stood outside Amelia’s car.

“Yep,” Amelia answered. “We should head back and start preparing for work on Monday.”

“I get it, but we should all go out to lunch now that I’m feeling better.”

“There’s always the pizza place by our office.”

After hugging Amelia tightly, Mandy threw her arms around him too.

“Now, don’t be a stranger,” she said, pulling away. “We really liked spending this week with you, even if you only had eyes for Amelia.”

Daniel felt his face heat up, and he awkwardly laughed, trying to play it off.

“It’s fine,” Mandy said. “That means you like her, and that’s all I wanted.”

“I really do,” he admitted.

“I guess I’ll see you soon. Both of you, hopefully.”

“Nice to have met you, son,” Randy said, stepping forward to give Daniel’s hand a shake. “You’re a good one.”
