Page 84 of Fakecation

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“Not unless we both had it.”

She smiled again and kissed him, which did nothing but further his desire for her. He pressed himself against her almost instinctively.

She reached down, giving him just the slightest bit of friction on his aching—

“Amelia! Daniel! Do you want to go to breakfast?”

“Damn it,” she muttered. “I feel like a teenager getting caught with a boy in her room. Do you want breakfast?”

He was hungry, but not for food.

“Sure,” he said. “We have errands to run after anyway.”

“We’ll go!” Amelia called back. “And if you mean condoms,” she added lowly, “I will not be buying those with my parents present.”


“And it’s not even for the reason you think.” Amelia got up and picked out her outfit. “When my mom found out, she took me to the drugstore to show me every kind of condom I could ever need. The only problem? The guy I was with walked in.” She shuddered. “Worst day of my life.”

“As mortifying as that is, at least you were educated.”

“Oh yeah. Down to the sizing. He walked in on me saying that I needed a smaller size.”

“No. He didn’t.”

“He did. I had to have a long talk with him about how it didn’t matter to me and how I liked him either way. He still ghosted me though.”

“Then he missed out.”

She turned to him, smiling with narrowed eyes. “You’re just saying that because of the blow job.”

“No. It’s much more than—”

“We’re ready when you are!” Mandy called.

“You should get dressed,” Amelia said. “We can’t keep them waiting for long.”

He did as he was told, getting dressed in record time. Amelia disappeared for only a second, muttering that she needed to do one other thing before she left. She grabbed her bag and darted from the room.

For a moment, he wondered if she was hiding something from him.

Or someone.

It would make sense—why else would she be up on her sexual health if she wasn’t sleeping with other people? She’d only said she didn’t want a relationship, but she could easily have other partners.

She’s not Lucinda, he reminded himself. And besides, this might all be casual for Amelia too. They hadn’t had a chance to talk about what any of this was.

They did need to talk about it at some point.

But this wasn’t the moment for that discussion. For now, he finished getting ready and then met everyone by the door. She had been chugging a glass of water when he got out.

She gave him a thumbs-up that he wasn’t sure what to do with, but he attributed it to their change in relationship. He gave her space as they walked to the car.

“So,” she began, looking out the window, “we went a whole night before it got awkward. That’s a record for me.”

“It’s not awkward.”

“Your face says otherwise,” she said. “When you came out of the room, you seemed . . . different.”
