Page 85 of Fakecation

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“It’s just something we have to talk about later. That’s all.”

“You know those are the worst words I could hear, right?” She laughed, but it didn’t sound like she was amused. “I mean, we have to talk about something later? And it has you upset?” Her fingers tapped on her knee. “That’s not worrying me at all.”

“It’s nothing bad.”

“Then why can’t we talk about it now?”

“It’s . . . I don’t know how to ask.”

“Anything is better than nothing.”

“Okay, then. Is there anyone else?”

There was only silence. His heart kicked up speed.

“Wh-what? Anyone else with what?”

“You. I mean in general.”

“Like with as in sexually?”


“Why are you asking?”

“Because when you ran out, I got the idea that you’re hiding something, and the last time someone was hiding something was when Lucinda was with my dad.”

The car was silent, and he wondered if it was proof of an omission.

“Oh, shit. First of all, no. There is no one else and there will be no one else. I’m not . . . I would never . . .” She shuddered.

He risked a glance at her. “Really?”

“Yes, really. I don’t have some guy back home that I sleep with, nor do I here. And I wouldn’t go back to them even if I did. Our relationship might be fake, but I’m still dedicated to it.”

“Thank God,” he replied. “I’m sorry I even brought it up. I must have been in the wrong state of mind this morning.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s something we should clear up anyway.”

Her voice was small, and she looked back out the window. Daniel wondered what was running through her head, but they pulled into the breakfast restaurant right after, and Mandy was waiting on them.

“Last day at the beach!” she said, blissfully unaware of any of the lingering awkwardness between them. “I almost don’t want this to end.”

“We’ll come back next year,” Randy said. “Now, let’s get in there. I’m dying for some waffles.”

Daniel knew he needed to get back to being Amelia’s perfect boyfriend, but as they walked in, he wondered if he’d made a mistake in questioning her at all. Most people would have been upset to be accused of keeping secrets.

But she seemed okay. She sat next to him, giving him a small smile.

There was no one else, and that helped him far more than he could express.

“So what do you do for fun, Daniel?” John asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

“Fun? Unfortunately, my work schedule doesn’t allow for much of that.”

“That’s not good for you. Do you like working out? I live in Atlanta too. Maybe we can hang out.”

“That could be nice,” he replied, but he saw Amelia’s confused expression in the corner of his eye.
