Page 83 of Fakecation

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“Here?” He was at her stomach.

“N-no. Come on, please just—”

He coaxed her legs open, and she propped one foot on the edge of the tub.

“Here?” She felt his breath on her center.


His tongue met her clit and she saw stars. There was no more talking for her, only feeling. His tongue provided a perfectly crushing pressure. He circled the bud of nerves, sucked at it, and sent her into space with his mouth.

Was this how he had felt when she had been on her knees? Because this was life-changing.

“I’m going to use my hands,” he said, pulling inches away. “Is that okay?”

“Sure,” she said. Amelia would miss his mouth, but she didn’t mind him switching it up if he was tired. Some men didn’t like going down on women. Andrew sure hadn’t.

But Daniel’s mouth closed back down on her most sensitive part, and his hand moved up. She quickly realized that she had misunderstood what he meant by using his hands. One finger teased at her entrance, slowly pushing its way in.

“Oh my God,” she moaned. His finger curved, hitting her G-spot. Just how coordinated was this man? And how the hell did Lucinda let him go?

A second finger joined in, pushing her closer to her own release. His tongue was talented, but his fingers even more so.

“D-Daniel,” she stuttered, “I’m gonna—”

“Come on me, Amelia. I want to feel it.”

And that shot her over the edge. He had only barely gotten his mouth back on her when her orgasm hit. Every nerve ending pulsed in white-hot pleasure. She felt it shoot from her toes to her fingertips. This was a release like none other, and as it coursed through her, she wondered if anything could be better than this.

When she came down from her high, the shower water was cold. Daniel slowly got up, eyes dark as they settled on her.

“We need condoms,” he said. “Because when you do that again, I want it to be my cock you come on.”

She must have passed out because she had to be dreaming.

If she was, however, then it was the greatest dream she could ever have.

Chapter Eighteen


They didn’t have much energy after their shower. Or at least, Amelia didn’t seem to.

And while his orgasm had been mind-altering, seeing hers had been even better. He planned to go to the supermarket down the road to get the condoms they desperately needed, but then she laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep, and he knew there was no moving.

He drifted off, her weight comfortable on him. When he woke up, they’d barely moved, but his hands had drifted under her shirt, and he could feel himself harden at the reminder of what they’d done in the shower.

He definitely should have gotten the condoms the night before.

This was the last full day of the vacation and he didn’t know if this new development would carry over to their normal lives in the way their fake relationship would. But he wanted it to. He needed more than just one full day with her.

Amelia slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times, as if trying to gauge where she was, and then she looked at him. A small smile made its way onto her face.

“Hi,” she said sleepily.

Daniel couldn’t help but return the smile. “Hey.”

“So, last night wasn’t a dream, right?”
