Page 82 of Fakecation

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“Yes,” he hissed out.

When her mouth came around him, she could hear his shaky breath. She took him as far as he could go into the back of her throat, slowly, wrapping her hand around the rest of him. At his muttered curses, she sped up, pulling her cheeks in.

Daniel was heavy in her mouth. She lost herself in giving him pleasure, her body humming at each of his groans. She loved making other people feel good, especially when they were as considerate as he’d been for this whole trip.

Water poured on her, but she didn’t care. Her entire focus was on making him feel as good as possible. His hips began moving, jerking forward. His breathing picked up speed.

She risked a glance up at him. Gone was the man who she knew. Instead, she saw someone lost in pleasure, with water dripping off his curly hair. His eyes were shut, and he leaned against the shower wall to the side of him.

She’d done that. She’d made him feel like this.

“Yes, just like that,” he muttered. “Good. You’re doing so good.”

Her body purred in response.

And she was going to keep doing it until he came, feeling empowered by his reactions.

She was patient, working him up to the brink of orgasm, listening to each sound he made.

“Fuck,” he said, pulling out of her. His come shot out of him, landing on her chest and face.

She blinked, not expecting him to pull out.

His chest heaved as she stood and stepped close to him. “I hope that was—”

His mouth closed over hers, and she let out a squeak of surprise. Daniel’s hands gripped her hips, pushing her back against the wall. Her mind couldn’t comprehend that he was touching her. He’d gotten what he wanted—shouldn’t he be done?

“We can finish up,” she said, pulling away.

“Do you really think I’m done with you?”

“Um, yes?”

“Amelia.” He said her name low. “I’m just getting started.”

This wasn’t how things went—at least in her experience—but she refused to complain. His mouth moved to her neck and his hands cupped her breasts, her body coming alive as his palms brushed her hardened nipples.

She didn’t notice until now, but she’d been desperate for contact. A broken gasp escaped her as he gently pinched one of her nipples.

“Do you like that?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I really do.”

She closed her eyes as his hand moved again. She didn’t notice when his mouth left her neck. The only thing she felt was his mouth latch around her other nipple.

Her pussy throbbed, feeling left out of all the attention.

“D-Daniel, please,” she managed to say. “I need . . .”

“What do you need?” His breath ghosted on her nipple, a new kind of torture.

“I need you to touch me. Please, just touch me.”

His hand and mouth left her breasts and she bemoaned the lack of sensation.

“Here?” he asked before kissing her rib cage.

