Page 81 of Fakecation

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Amelia didn’t waste any time. She crossed the small hot tub, but instead of turning around to sit in his lap, she stayed facing him.

“Can we agree to add in some creative differences this time?”

His hands landed on her hips. “We definitely can.”

This wasn’t for show. None of her family was around, and she wouldn’t want them to be. This was for her. She had to give into her desires, or else they would eat her alive.

She had been attracted to Daniel for so long and near him so much this week that she simply wanted him. For now, she wasn’t concerned by the strings or the aftermath.

Daniel’s hand cupped her face. “Do you know what else I’d like to relive?”

“I hope it’s last night’s kiss.”

“You read my mind.” He inched closer, and her heart leaped in her chest as he tilted his head toward her. They kissed, slowly and tentatively at first. But then his grip tightened as he moved his lips against hers, kissing her the way he had the night before.

She could lose herself in this. The background faded away as his lips slid over hers. She forgot where she was—who she was. She could only think of him.

Then her knee barely scraped the concrete of the hot tub.

“Let’s go back to the room,” she said, pulling away. “I think I want some privacy for the rest of this.” Her eyes lingered on his lips. But now, all she could think about was getting more from him.

Nothing had ever felt like this, and she wasn’t sure anything else could. She got out of the hot tub and grabbed their towels. She left his with him and darted up to the condo, anticipation traveling up her spine.

No one was home, which she thanked her lucky stars for. Daniel wasted no time in following her, and he kissed her the moment the door to their room shut.

He walked her backward and she didn’t know where they were going until she felt tile under her feet.

“We should shower,” he said.

“Like we stop this to shower or . . .”

“I say we multitask.”

“I love multitasking,” she breathed out.

She practically ripped off her bathing suit as the shower turned on. There was a moment when air rushed over her body, and she wondered if he liked what he saw. But then a low groan erupted from his throat, and he pulled her under the spray of the showerhead. It took her a moment to realize he was naked too.

Amelia was awash with sensation. She could feel the water on her skin, his lips on hers, and the press of his cock against her stomach. She reached down to grip it, feeling it fill her hand. He broke the kiss, nearly panting.

“God, Amelia. You don’t know what you do to me.” His voice was rough.

“Maybe I want to.”

“I thought about this. About you. Ever since I saw you in that swimsuit, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I could do to you.”

Her heart hammered. “Show me now.”

Daniel set her against the shower wall, the cool tile an oasis to her overheated skin. She could feel him press against her stomach again, and her core clenched. She needed that in her.

“D-do you—” She struggled to find her voice. “—happen to have condoms somewhere?”

He paused. “I don’t. I didn’t think this would ever . . . Should we stop?”

“There are other things we can do,” she said. “With hands and mouths.”

“That sounds perfect. And I’m clear of anything, just so you know. I got tested a while ago.”

“Me too. The moment we’re not in the shower, we can fix our condom problem. But for now—” She pushed him away from her and sank to her knees. “I would like to do this. Is that okay?”
