Page 80 of Fakecation

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“I might be competitive about it. I don’t know if you can handle it.”

“It depends on if I win or not.”

“Are you challenging me?”

“I think I am.”

“Then we’re going,” she said, practically pushing him out the door, all thoughts of her ADHD forgotten.

No one was at the mini golf course since it was so hot. They both got a discounted rate, and each got a card to keep track of the other’s score. They had chosen a multiple-level golf course that was both challenging and fun.

Amelia loved mini golf, and it was absolutely thrilling that Daniel did too. They kept neck and neck throughout the entire game, teasing each other lightheartedly if one of them messed up and groaning when the other would pull ahead.

He won by one point and she was beyond upset about it.

“We’re having a rematch,” she told him as they walked to the car. The sun was setting and people were beginning to line up at the course. “You and me, before we leave.”

“You’re on,” he agreed. “But I’m pretty sure I’ll win that one too.”

“No, you just got lucky on that one hill I couldn’t make.”

“That wasn’t luck. It was skill.”

“You’re full of shit.”

“We’ll see with the rematch.” Amelia rolled her eyes and went to the passenger’s side to climb in. Daniel drove back to the condo, still gloating about his victory. When they got back, they went to the room only for a few minutes, until deciding to go swimming.

She knew she needed to keep herself busy because if she didn’t, it was entirely possible she would either kiss Daniel again or spill all of her secrets. Neither were good options. No one was around to keep her in check, and as they spent more time together, she gravitated toward him more and more.

There was a wild group of kids at the pool, so they got into the hot tub instead. This time, no one was there.

“This is way better than the last time,” she said.

“I don’t want anyone else in here.”

“It seems a little slow today.”

“Not at the pool,” he said. “Cool water would have been nice after mini golf.”

“What, and miss reliving our last hot tub escapade but without me sitting on your lap? What a shame.”

“Shame isn’t the right word.”

“What—you enjoyed me sitting on your lap?”

“There was one part of me that very much enjoyed that.” His voice was low—the type of near mutter he’d only used with her.

“One part does not equal the whole man.”

“Fine. Then, all of me was happy with you on my lap. I had just wished we were alone for that.”

“I mean, we’re mostly alone now. We could try again.”

He stared over at her, his eyes dark. Her throat went dry, and she wondered if he would turn her down. Maybe it would have been better if he had.

All of the fears she clung to lost their grip on her as he looked at her with his brown eyes.

“Come over here.”
