Page 78 of Fakecation

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“Mom, I haven’t even told him about . . .” She eyed the door to their room down the hallway. “You know.”

“Something tells me he is going to handle it as perfectly as always.”

“I don’t know if that’s true.”

“Don’t let exes spoil someone better. What’s in the past is over now.”

Was it over when she kept reliving it every time someone was mad at her? It seemed like it would follow her forever.

The door to their room opened and Daniel stepped out, freshly showered. He looked good in his simple T-shirt and jeans.

“Morning,” her mom said, smiling over at him. “Do you two have plans this morning?”

“Not really,” he replied. “Why?”

“We should all go out for breakfast. John and Randy are on a walk, so I have nothing else to do.”

Daniel looked at Amelia, but it was almost difficult to meet his eyes after what had happened just a few minutes ago.

“I’m fine with it,” Amelia said. Maybe her mom could be a buffer for them.

“That’s fine.” He added, “I’m starving.”

“Do you mind if we take your car?” her mom asked.

“Yeah, of course.”

“Do you have your keys?”

“I’ve delegated them to my driver.” She pointed at Daniel. “So far, they’ve never been lost.”

“We had one issue with the car alarm, but that wasn’t my fault.”

Amelia nearly gave herself whiplash turning to him, but he was smiling. “It was a group effort,” she replied, chest loosening at the joke. If he was joking, then hopefully, they were okay—not lost in a pit of their own awkwardness.

Her mom had a restaurant in mind, and she usually had good taste. They got there before the breakfast rush and were seated immediately. The waitress asked for their drinks, and everyone got water, plus Amelia asked for a cup of coffee.

“Yay, life juice!”

“I would think water is life juice,” Daniel remarked.

“Not for me. I’d be so happy if I could live off of only caffeine.”

He raised an eyebrow and scooted her water cup closer to her. “Until you remember you’re thirsty,” he said. “I seem to recall you downing and entire water bottle in one go yesterday.”

“How dare you call me out on that.” But she took a sip of water anyway.

“I’m so glad I’m feeling better,” her mom said. “I would have missed seeing this!”

“I’m glad you are too,” he added.

Amelia looked between the two of them, biting her lip. Hopefully, this didn’t go where it seemed to be going.

“The medication I’m on still helps. I can have things like coffee without getting nauseous.” She lifted her hands up in celebration.

Amelia’s eyes were wide. That was exactly what she didn’t want to happen.

But Daniel didn’t treat it like it was a big deal.
