Page 52 of Fakecation

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The water rippled as someone else got into the hot tub, and it made her move just enough to make his head spin.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I could get out.”


“Well, this isn’t comfortable for either of us.”

“It’s not that its uncomfortable, Amelia,” he said lowly. “It’s that . . . never mind.” The last bit of his control kept him from speaking.

“No, what?”

That control flew out the window. “The only thing that’s uncomfortable is that we’re surrounded by strangers.”

“And if we were alone?”

“We wouldn’t be here.”

“But if we were?”

Did she want him to admit it? They weren’t supposed to be like this.

But he also wouldn’t lie to her.

“There wouldn’t be swimsuits.” He muttered the words, hoping that she somehow wouldn’t hear them. But her breath hitched and her eyes went wide.


“With a woman like you? Can you blame me?”

She should blame him. She should tell him no and send him tumbling down to Earth. Being in the clouds was dangerous.

Amelia stared at him, face unreadable.

She’s your coworker, his last bit of sense said. Stop this.

“We should go to the beach,” he said. “I bet it isn’t as busy there.”

“M-maybe that’s a good idea. I’ll go first so you can . . . Yeah.”

She got out, and Daniel stared at a palm tree rather than her beautiful body. It took him twenty minutes of thinking of anyone but her for his cock to get the message.

Amelia was probably uncomfortable with what had happened. He deserved a lecture from her, or worse, anger. He wouldn’t fight it because he should have controlled his body’s reaction to her proximity.

After he’d calmed down, he slowly made the walk of shame. She was sitting on the beach, teeth biting at her lip.

“Hi,” he said.

“Oh, hey,” she replied. “Everything back to normal now?”

“Yes. I’m sorry about that.”

“No, don’t be. I should have thought about it more before sitting on your lap. But I’ve always had poor impulse control.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Mad? Why would I be mad? If anything, I’m flattered. At least some parts of you think I’m attractive.”

“All parts of me think you’re attractive,” he corrected.
