Page 51 of Fakecation

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The warm water encased him as he got in. Amelia followed suit, her thigh brushing his as she sat.

“S-sorry,” she said, her cheeks pink. “I can get out if I’m too close.”

“It’s fine,” he replied. “I’m not bothered.”

And he wasn’t. He craved having her closer, but he was afraid of what might happen if she saw how much it affected him.

Mercifully, the water covered both of them. As long as he didn’t think about her for too long, he would manage not to embarrass himself.

But she was nearly knocked into him as someone else forced their way into the hot tub. She pressed against him tighter, but he could see she didn’t like having a stranger in her personal space. Daniel felt her hips turn away, so she was sitting at an angle, but it still wasn’t enough room.

He had an idea. A very bad one.

“Amelia,” he said. He had to lean in to say the words right into her ear because of the noise of the hot tub. It made saying her name feel more intimate than it was. “You could . . . sit on my lap.”

“What?” she asked.

“It would give you more space.”

She looked at the stranger, who was loudly talking to the person they were with. “Are you sure?”

No. “Yes.”

Amelia bit her lip before slowly moving over, lifting her hips and planting them on his legs. He wrapped an arm around her to keep her from floating away.

But then, as she settled, he realized just how bad of an idea it was.

“Well,” she said, leaning back so he could hear her. “I definitely have more room. Your lap is comfortable.”

He pressed his lips together. He could feel the curve of her ass against his cock, which knew exactly what was going on. Her words did nothing but send blood downward.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “I’m not too heavy for you, am I?”

“No, not at all,” he said. “It’s nothing.”

Maybe she wouldn’t move her hips back and feel it. Only then could he get out of this with his dignity intact.

But then someone else wanted to get out of the hot tub. Amelia jerked back to give them room, and her butt rocked against his hardness.

He felt her freeze.

“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t expect this to happen here.”

She was silent for a long time, and he wondered if she was planning her escape route. He wouldn’t blame her.

“I-It’s fine,” she said, her voice higher than usual. “This is just a thing that happens with friction, right?”

It’s you, he wanted to say. One look at you and I get like this.

But he gritted his teeth and nodded. For a second, they simply sat. Daniel knew he was too scared to move, despite his mind begging him to rock up and get more delicious friction.

“I can’t look at strangers when we’re like this,” she said. “I’m going to turn around.”

Before he could say no, she got up and whirled around where she was facing him. Her legs pinned him in. Instead of his hardness being against her backside, however, it was now pressed against her inner thighs.

“I think this is worse,” he said, unable to look at her.

“I’d rather look at you than the other couple rubbing up against each other,” she muttered.
