Page 44 of Fakecation

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“You need to move on from her, son.”

“I have moved on,” Daniel said. “I am literally at the beach with my girlfriend right now.”

“Oh, well, what’s the problem?”

“You still slept with my wife. While we were married.”

His father sighed. “We talked about this.”

“No, you talked about it,” Daniel said. “I don’t want to be a part of this.”

“You have to be. What will people say if my own son is not at my wedding? It will be televised, and millions of people will watch.”

Daniel shook his head. “No, I don’t care what people think, and besides, your daughter won’t even be there. You’re not inviting Terri.”

“She strayed from God.”

“And adultery isn’t straying from God?”

“I atoned for that.”

Daniel took a deep breath, resisting the urge to throw his phone off the balcony.

“I’m not going,” he repeated. “And I’m not changing my mind about it.”

“You’re still hung up on Lucinda, then?”

“I just said I’m dating someone else.”

“Does she know about your ex-wife? It’s okay to still be in love with your ex, especially when she’s a woman like Luc—”

“I’m not in love with Lucinda. I’m not sure I ever was, but that doesn’t mean I want to come to the wedding. Now, please leave me alone. I’m currently on vacation with my girlfriend, who I actually like, trying to have a good time.”

Daniel hung up angrily, gripping it tightly as he tried to get his emotions under control. Minutes passed, and just as he was finally beginning to breathe normally, he received a text.

Lucinda: Who’s your new girlfriend?

His jaw tightened again. Why did she even care? Didn’t she have the happy ending she wanted?

Of course not. She wouldn’t be satisfied until she knew he missed her.

The balcony door opened, and for a second, Daniel thought Amelia had woken up and come and found him. Instead, it was John.

“Hey,” John greeted.

“Hey,” Daniel repeated back, letting out a breath and trying to sound normal.

John looked at him quizzically. “Are you okay?”

“Not exactly.” There was no point in lying. “But it’s nothing involving your sister, I promise. You don’t have to kill me or anything.”

“If you pissed off Amelia, I’d let her do the killing anyway. Want to talk about it?”

“I’d rather not.”

“Then . . . would coffee cheer you up?” John asked. “If you’re dating Amelia, then you’re probably into coffee, right? I mean, I don’t exactly know about how relationships work, but you have to have something in common.”
