Page 43 of Fakecation

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Daniel wrapped his hand around his length, but he made one rule.

Don’t think about her. Get this over with but leave her out of it.

The rule seemed simple in theory but difficult in practice. As his hand moved, he tried to think of anyone else he’d been attracted to.

No one came up.

He then decided to think of nothing, only the sensation in his body as he moved himself closer to release. His hand moved up and down his cock, his mind focused only on how it felt. He could feel himself getting closer.

His mind replayed how her skin had felt as he rubbed her back, except this time, he was only doing it for himself. He could see him taking her back to their room, her under him, as he kissed his way down her chest, her stomach, and then to her—

He came.

And then immediately hated himself for it.

That was not what he was supposed to do. He’d broken his one rule right at the last second.

Leaning his head against the bathroom wall, he sighed. No more of this. This was the one time he would allow himself to ever do that. The last thing he wanted was to be a creep.

Daniel cleaned himself off and got dressed for the day. He barely put any cream into his hair, his mind too distracted by what he’d just done.

Maybe he needed fresh air.

That should solve it.

He went to the balcony, where the wind was blowing and the call of the waves was loud, and sat.

That was when his phone rang. He pulled it out and his mood plummeted further.

It was his father.

“Hello?” Daniel answered, his voice sounding more annoyed than he wanted it to.

“My boy! I have some good news.”

“What?” Daniel rolled his eyes. He was unable to keep the frustration from seeping into his voice. Thank God he was alone for this. The last thing he needed was for anyone to overhear his tone and ask questions. Just how was he supposed to admit to Amelia’s family that his wife had left him for his father?

“Lucinda said yes to marrying me.”

His ears rang as his father spoke more.

Lucinda and his father were getting married? Only four months after Daniel and Lucinda’s divorce was finalized? This couldn’t be real. His father couldn’t be that cruel.

Then again, his father did sleep with her in the first place. Staying as boyfriend and girlfriend wouldn’t last for long. His father wanted a trophy wife, someone beautiful to parade around in his church. Lucinda wanted money, which her soon-to-be husband had plenty of.

“So, what do you say, son?” he asked.

Daniel blinked back into the present moment. “What?”

“Are you coming to the wedding?”

“What? You want me to come to my ex-wife’s wedding? To you?”

“I thought it would be helpful for moving on from her.”

Daniel couldn’t believe his ears. “No, I don’t want to go.”

His father sighed, as if he expected this. “Daniel . . .”
