Page 45 of Fakecation

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Daniel laughed despite his sour mood. “No, I’m more of a tea drinker, but maybe going down to the coffee shop would help.”

“I’ll go with you,” John said. “I need my caffeine anyway.”

Daniel nodded. He needed to get his mind away from everything that had happened in the last hour.

“So,” John started as they walked down the stairs, “should we do some kind of small talk?”

“We can. I’m not very good at it, though.”

“Me either. Especially with guys my sister dates. I mean, there was only the one, but still. I knew he didn’t like me.”

“Why didn’t he?”

“I’m going to go with the fact that I have more skirts than Amelia does. Some people don’t like that.”


“She tried to hide it, but I saw it. It’s kind of hard not to. So, good on you for not being like him.”

“You’re a person first and foremost. None of the rest matters to me.”

“See? You get it. My family does too. I think Amelia had bad luck with him.”

“We all have to have one bad ex.”

“Not me. I don’t usually date,” John said, rolling his eyes. He opened the door to the coffee shop, and Daniel stepped in. He glanced at the menu, deciding to take another risk and pick something new for Amelia.

“Ooh,” John said. “The barista is cute. How do I look?” He turned to Daniel expectantly.

John looked better than most people in the coffee shop, with one exception. “Are you wearing mascara?”

“Yes. Is it too much?”

“No, it’s just smudged.”

“You’re a lifesaver,” John said before putting on a picture-perfect smile.

Daniel tried not to listen as John flirted with the man, but it was almost impossible. After successfully getting the barista’s number, John put in his order.

“Oh,” John said. “And his order is on me.”

“What?” Daniel asked. “You don’t have to—”

“You’re the first potential brother-in-law I like. Plus, I owe my sister a coffee.”

“Since when?”

“Since I was a pain in her ass in high school. I try to make up for it sometimes. Now, tell the gorgeous man what you both want.”

Daniel didn’t argue but thanked John after he paid for the order.

As they headed back to the condo, John was already shooting a message to the barista, and Daniel took a moment to process all that had happened this morning.

He had to tell Terri what had gone down with their father. She’d want to know.

When they got to the elevator, Daniel gave John Amelia’s drink. “Mind giving this to your sister? I have a family call I need to make.”

“Oh, sure. You do what you have to.”
