Page 42 of Fakecation

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Just as she said it, Daniel came out of their room.

“Pizza sounds good,” he said. His hair was wet and a little less styled than usual. Like in the water, she could see his beautiful curls. Food be damned, maybe she could eat him instead.

“I thought you were starving,” John said.

Amelia blinked. “I am.”

“Then let’s go,” Daniel said. “No need to waste time.”

Thank God he hadn’t noticed how she had been looking at him, but John had.

“Down bad,” he mouthed and then made kissy faces at her when Daniel’s back was turned. She flipped him off.

“Come on,” Daniel urged, gently putting a hand on her back. “Food calls.”

Amelia went willingly, but she couldn’t help but notice they’d gotten much more comfortable with each other.

And she was doing a lot less pretending than she expected.

Chapter Ten


After a day of enjoying local food and swimming, Daniel was exhausted and fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. He didn’t have a second to think about the way his arm had touched Amelia’s.

But when he woke up, she was all he could think about.

He’d shifted closer to her in the night. Both of them were in the middle of the bed rather than on their respective sides. They weren’t quite cuddling, but her cheek was pressed against his bicep and one of her legs was curled around his.

That urge he’d felt the day before, the one calling him to pull her closer, screamed for him to move his arm around hers. He wanted to press his nose into her hair and breathe in both her and this moment.

He shook it off.

These were not feelings he should have for a coworker, not even a coworker who he was pretending to date. He wasn’t even a cuddler. With Lucinda, they’d never gravitated toward each other during the night, only away.

Amelia let out a soft noise in her sleep, her leg hiking farther up as she got comfortable. This time, her head lay on his arm. It was then that he realized another part of him was very interested in this new proximity.

Twisting his eyes shut, Daniel tried to think of everything but her body next to his, but all he could see was how she’d looked in her swimsuit jumping into the pool.

This was not good.

He needed to get away and think. Maybe even jerk off. He wasn’t sure which would help more. He just needed to move before this quickly got awkward.

Amelia protested as he moved his arm, but thankfully, she fell back asleep.

He nearly ran to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, trying to clear his head, but to no avail. He stepped under the spray of the water, still seeing flashes of Amelia whenever he closed his eyes.

He was attracted to her, there was no doubt about it. He thought of her in a way he shouldn’t, yet he couldn’t stop it. She was what he wanted.

He didn’t have experience with wanting people. He liked Lucinda because she was pretty and seemed smart, but he never felt like this about her. He never had to throw himself into the shower simply because she moved closer in her sleep.

Get her off your mind, he begged himself. Think of anything else.

But none of it worked. Once he stopped thinking about her body, he remembered the tiny little noise, almost a moan, that she let out as she moved closer.

It didn’t matter what he tried to do. She wouldn’t leave him.
