Page 31 of Fakecation

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“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “But I know how easy it is to miss the bad signs of a relationship.”

Daniel knew it had to be her ex she had mentioned, and he was a little more curious than he should be.

“It’s too pretty here to talk about hard stuff,” she added. “So, let’s not even think about it. Tell me about something you love. Your girlfriend should probably know about that, right?”


Talking about light topics made it easy for them to wander for what felt like hours. After the long day, Daniel should have been exhausted, but instead, he only wanted to talk to Amelia more.

By the time they finally made their way back to the condo, the space was dark and quiet.

“I’m going to change,” she quietly announced as they snuck in.

He gave her privacy, despite the fact that their room had its own bathroom. He wandered into the kitchen to get himself some water. When he’d finished his glass, Amelia was venturing out of their room.

Her sleep outfit was a simple tank top and shorts. It made sense, considering the condo felt warm, even at night. But he hadn’t ever seen this much of her before. Her long, tan legs made his mouth go dry, and he purposefully tried his best not to look at the way her ass peeked out of her shorts.

And he was supposed to sleep next to her? He was in trouble.

A lot of it.

“Daniel? Are you coming to bed?” Her wording did nothing for his mind. Her mind must have gone in the same direction that his had because her eyes widened. “I mean to sleep. Not anything else.”

“I-I know,” he said. “I’ll head back now.”

Avoidance was the best path in this situation. All he had to do was not think about what he’d just seen, but that proved to be harder than expected.

She followed him into the bedroom, shutting the door softly.

“Sorry if this is awkward.”

“It’s fine,” he lied. “It really is.”

“Yeah, definitely. It’s not like we’re about to share a bed or something. Oh, wait. We totally are.” Her fingers tapped on her leg nervously.

“Are you still okay with it? I can sleep on the—”

“If you’re about to say floor, then it’s an immediate no. Who knows how old this carpet is? We’re adults. We can share a bed and have it not be weird.”

“Right. It’s like a sleepover.”

“Yes!” she said, eyes lighting up. “We could paint each other’s nails and tell stories about boys. Or girls. Or whatever.”

He laughed. “I’ll take black nail polish. It’s the only one that looks good on me.”

“You’ve tried nail polish?”

“My sister had a phase where she thought she wanted to be a nail tech, and I was the only willing participant.”

“I would pay good money to see that.”

“I’m sure my mom has a photo of it somewhere.” His dress shirt was stifling him now that she was smiling in his direction. “I . . . should get changed too. I’ll be right back.”

Daniel had a full set of pajamas, ones that Lucinda had picked out for him to be classier. He didn’t know what to expect from Amelia’s family, so he brought his nicer items in case he needed them. Now, he wondered if he had packed too formally. A T-shirt and basketball shorts would have been so much more comfortable.

Amelia was lying in bed, scrolling on her phone. She looked up at him as he crossed through the bathroom doorway. “Oh, those are nice.”

“Is it too much?”
