Page 30 of Fakecation

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“I do. If only I could unhinge my jaw too, then I’d really eat like a snake.”

Daniel laughed at the sheer absurdity of this conversation. “Okay. You have me beat.”

“I told you. And I have even more. But you have to be a level-three boyfriend to unlock those.”

“And I’m at one right now?”

“We just got to holding hands. We need to hit third base first.”

“Third base?”

“Also known as the level-three boyfriend.”

“I thought you meant . . .”

“No, not the typical third base.” She shook her head. “No boob touching.”

“That’s what you consider third base?”

She tilted her head to the side. “Isn’t that what it is?”

“I don’t think so. Isn’t it going all the way?”

“Going all the way, as in penis-in-vagina sex?”

A laugh escaped him. “Yeah, but I didn’t realize you would say it like that.”

“We’re holding hands. I think I can say penis and vagina in front of you now.”

He laughed again, realizing he’d missed out on this side of Amelia when he was just her coworker. The conversation paused, but she was looking out at the waves, seeming to consider something.

“So, does she live in Atlanta?”


“Your sister. Sorry, my brain jumped topics. It does that sometimes.”

“It’s fine. And no, she moved to Nashville many years ago. She loves it there.”

“I’ve been there only once. It was a . . . loud town.”

“She lives in the not-so-loud part of it, thankfully. I don’t get to visit much.”

“Because of work?”

“Yeah. I was surprised that Cheryl even let me come on this vacation, but maybe it’s her way of saying thank you for all the late nights I’ve pulled to get stuff done at work.”

“That, and the fact that she likes you, even if she rewards all of your hard work with more work in the end. At least, that’s what she does to me.” She let out a long breath, eyes back on the ocean. “It’s not fun.”

“It’s not, especially when your wife wants you to make more and more money doing it.” He wouldn’t usually say this much, but there was something about Amelia that made him trust her.

“You would think your wife would want to spend time with you,” she muttered, shaking her head.

“She did. She wanted a lot, actually. And a lot of it was impossible to achieve, even if I didn’t work sixty hours a week.”

“But in this job field, the hours are expected.”

“I’m sure I could have balanced it better, but I think at that point, I was happy not to have to.”
