Page 32 of Fakecation

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“Whatever makes you happy. I’d wear one too, but I lose any sets I get.” She shrugged and then went back to her phone.

Nothing seemed to faze her. She didn’t look at him and want him to be any different than what he was. It was a nice change.

Daniel slowly sat on the unoccupied side of the bed. She was watching videos on her phone, using some social media app he’d never thought to touch.

“Sorry,” she said, “it’s an addiction I can’t seem to quit. But I’ve got it finally trained to show me ugly cat videos.”

“Ugly cat videos?”

“Oh yeah. I mean, look at this.” She showed him a hairless cat. “It looks like a turkey. I love it so much.”

He laughed. “Do people really have those?”

“Of course. Aren’t they cute?”

Cute was maybe the wrong word, but he’d never tell her that. “They’re unique.”

“I want one,” she said, sighing longingly. “Oh! This one has a sweater!”

She showed him another one.

“Does the cat . . . like the sweater?”

“Of course. Wouldn’t you get cold if you were naked all the time?”

“I run hot.”

“And you wear socks to bed?”

“It’s unnerving to have my feet cold when I’m otherwise usually comfortable.”

“So, you’re warm right now? And you’re wearing that?” She eyed his formal pajamas. “I mean, you do you. They’re very stylish, but I’d hate for you not to sleep because of them.”

“I . . . might change,” he said.

“You should. Maybe I can borrow those. I always get cold wherever I go.”

“And you’re sleeping in a tank top and shorts? Not that you can’t, but—”

She smiled. “It’s fine. I used to try to sleep in more, but I would always get uncomfortable if I had too much on, regardless of whether I was cold or not. Sometimes, I would rip my pants off in the middle of the night. I figured it was for the best that I didn’t do that here.”

She wasn’t wrong, and Daniel refused to picture her sleeping with no pants on. Even if he might have liked it.

Instead, he grabbed the old T-shirt and shorts that he threw into the suitcase at the last second, noting that he might go get more if he needed to. Once he was done changing in the bathroom, he folded up the pajama top and offered it to Amelia.

“You can have these,” he said. “Maybe not to wear now, but if you ever wanted them.”


“I’d rather someone have them that will use them. And we might be the same size.”

“I’ll make it work as most girlfriends do,” she said, taking them from him. “Even fancy ones. I’ll put the top on. And the bright side is, if I rip this off, I have more underneath it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied as he watched her put it on. It looked far better on her than it did him.

“These are so nice. Now I won’t be freezing at night. Until I get tired of the extra layer, that is. My brain is weird.”

“I think it’s fine. I’m glad I could help.”
