Page 14 of Fakecation

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“I . . . I don’t know if I should elaborate.”

“Come on, I’m your fake girlfriend. I won’t judge.”

“You should probably not use the word fake if you’re referring to me.”

“Fine. I’m your girlfriend. Now, tell me what you meant.”

“I meant . . . you’re beautiful, Amelia. Any man would be lucky to have you.”

Her skin grew warm at the words. Daniel was far better at wooing than she thought. He must have barely had to try with Lucinda.

“Was that too far?” he asked. “Should I take it back?”

“No. But you should save that for when we’re at the beach.” She couldn’t help the smile that turned her lips upward. “And to answer your question, my last relationship . . . didn’t end so well.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s fine. It’s in the past. My mom thinks I should get back out there, but I’m really fine being on my own.”

“I feel the same way. About the divorce.”


“Yes. I’m fine.”

“Then we’re just two fine people pretending to date. Easy, right?”

“I don’t think anything about this is going to be easy,” he said. “I don’t . . . I haven’t dated in a long time.”

“Me either, but it can’t be that hard. We just hold hands and casually touch. It’s not like we need to fuck or anything.”

Daniel’s eyes widened.

“Sorry,” she said, holding up her hands. “I sometimes don’t have a filter. Especially after a day at the office. I can keep it in check, I promise.”

“It’s fine. Just unexpected. And if this is who you are outside of the office, then I should probably see it.” He gave her another smile, just like the one he’d given the waitress.

Amelia could remember when Andrew barely used to huff out a laugh at her little quirks. He soon didn’t think it was funny at all.

But she and Daniel were only doing this for a few weeks. Maybe two. Hopefully, she wouldn’t get on his nerves in that time.

“You’re right. But if you’re ever uncomfortable, or it’s too much—” Or if she was too much. “—then let me know.”

Daniel’s dark eyes were back on her again. By the way his jaw went slack, she wondered if he had ever been told this in his life.

“That’s helpful,” he said. “Thank you.”

“I’m just doing the right thing. I’m not comfortable if you’re not comfortable. Let me know if we’re ever going too far.”

“I will.”

“And once again, I’m sorry if I’m being weird. Today was a lot.”

“Fake-dating discussions aside, I saw you sent out a controversial email.”

“It wasn’t my idea, that’s for sure. No one was abusing the work-from-home policy. Our executives just want people in the office.”

“It’s an unfair rule,” he said. “If we treat our employees like people, then they’ll have an easier time doing the work.”
