Page 112 of Fakecation

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“No, thank you. I’d rather spend it with my girlfriend.”


“I’m sending a message to your manager to let her know you’ll be going to her.” He turned to his computer. She stood there for a few moments longer, but then she finally huffed and left.

Dana was starting to remind him of Lucinda.

He focused on his work, trying not to bother Amelia while she was busy. He stayed in his office, determined not to be disturbed again.

By five thirty, he was ready to leave and stopped by Amelia’s office to check in.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

“I can be,” she said, not meeting his eyes.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes. Mostly. I didn’t like the interruptions from Dana.”

“Neither did I,” he replied. “I told her to go to her manager from now on. Hopefully, it won’t be a problem again.”

“We’ll see. But it’s fine. I had an unpleasant email in my inbox that I had to deal with.”

“We both need to be done for the day,” he urged. “Let’s go home.”

As they got on the train, Amelia yawned, looking exhausted. They stopped to pick up dinner, neither of them feeling up to cooking after the long day.

Instead of relaxing, however, Amelia only seemed to move more and more. She was nervous about something.

“I can’t sit still,” she muttered. “I think I need to go to the gym to work out this energy.”

“That’s a great idea. Do you mind if I go too?”

“I should warn you that I get really red-faced when I work out. It’s not a pretty sight.”

“I think I can deal with that,” he replied.

“We’ll see. But you’re welcome to come. We could go to the gym John works at. Maybe he’ll be there.”

“That would be great.”

Amelia changed into leggings and a tank top, and Daniel made a mental note that he needed workout clothes from his apartment if he was going to be making a habit of this.

This time, they drove, but it was past rush hour, so traffic was at a minimum. The gym was busier than he expected, but John was there, working with someone else.

The moment he saw them, he waved, a smile crossing his face.

“Let’s warm up,” Amelia said. “Maybe we can talk to him after he’s done.”

They walked on the treadmill for five minutes before moving to the weights area. After they’d done a few exercises, John joined them.

“Hey, you two,” he greeted. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“We needed a good workout,” Amelia said. “Are you busy?”

“My client is going to be late, so I could give you a workout that will kick your ass.”

“I think I need it. I can’t sit still for shit. It was a rough day at the office.”
