Page 113 of Fakecation

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“And I’m always happy to work out,” Daniel added.

“Then let’s do this.” John gave them a list and provided a quick tutorial on how to do each of them. By the time he was working with his next client, Daniel could already tell that he’d be sore.

“He doesn’t take it easy on anyone,” Amelia huffed after finishing a set. “Not even family.”

It was hard—harder than he’d ever worked out before, but he got breaks when Amelia used the machine for her reps.

They were both dripping with sweat by the time they were done. Daniel went to the men’s locker room to splash water on his face.

“Was that enough of an ass kicking for you?”

Daniel turned, seeing John coming out of the bathroom. “Yeah,” he replied. “It was hard.”

“Good. I hope it helped Amelia.”

“I think so,” Daniel said. “Work has been hard on her.”

“It always is. Even when she was in school she struggled.”


“Yes, but you didn’t hear that from me.”

“Would she have a problem with me knowing?”

“Her ex hurt her in more ways than one. She’s slow to trust, but I think you’re perfect for her. Just give her time.”

“I’ll give her all she needs.”

“And that is why I like you. Hopefully, you don’t hate me too much for the workout.”

“No, I needed it. Maybe I’ll come back in a few days when the inevitable soreness wears off.”


The next morning, Daniel was as sore as expected. He was slow to move, though Amelia didn’t seem to share the sentiment.

“Are you even hurting at all?” he asked with a groan.

“No. I’m guessing you are?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I think I’m dying.”

She laughed at him and dragged him out of bed.

He complained until she got a hot shower going and practically pushed him into it. Once he felt a little better, they had a quick breakfast before going to work. They went their separate ways when they got in, but she was on his mind the whole morning.

When Daniel heard a knock at his door, he hoped it was her. However, he was disappointed to find only Dana.

“What can I do for you?” he asked, resisting the urge to sigh.

“My manager is on break, so I have more refunds for you to sign,” she said. He gritted his teeth and took them from her. If he got this over with, then she’d leave him alone. “So, how are you and Amelia doing?”

Or not.

“Does this have to do with work?”

“Not every conversation has to be about work.”
