Page 111 of Fakecation

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Daniel smiled at her and gestured to his desk, where two plates of food from the market down the road waited. “I got us food.”

“That’s really sweet of you,” she said as she shut the door. “Don’t you want to eat in the break room, though?”

“People never leave me alone if I do that.” He rolled his eyes. “Besides, here we have some privacy.”

“I think I’d like that.” She felt more of her tension melt away.

“How is your day going? Is it any better than yesterday?”

“Kind of.” She shrugged. “I was thinking about sending out an email reminding people not to gossip.”

“It’s probably needed. We really rocked the boat, didn’t we?”

Amelia laughed, but his door opened and she immediately stopped. She turned to see who had just barged in. It was Dana, holding a stack of papers.

“Hi, Daniel,” she said. “Can you sign this?”

His lips pressed together. “I’m having lunch.”

“It’s just a quick signature,” she insisted.

Amelia made a mental note that if they were going to have lunch together, then they needed to be out of the office entirely. He sighed and signed the papers, but Amelia noticed the way Dana smiled at him, which further plummeted her mood.

“Thanks!” Dana said, walking out without another word toward Amelia. It was like she was invisible.

“See what I mean about being bothered at lunch?”

She wanted to bring up Dana’s crush or suggest that they leave the office for lunch so they could continue uninterrupted, but she couldn’t manage to do either. So, she smiled and said, “Yep. I definitely do.”

“Well, she’s good at what she does, so I don’t mind.”

She felt her mood deflate more. She knew Dana was good at her job—and Daniel respected her for her effort. But just a little over a week ago, that was the exact opinion he’d had of Amelia, and look where they were now. If things were different, would he be more interested in Dana, who she’d heard say she wanted to make a move?

It wasn’t a logical thought, but once she had it, it was all she could think about.

“You know what? I think I need to answer some emails,” Amelia said, feeling oppressed by everything that was happening.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, and I don’t want to take you away from work. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Are you okay?” Daniel asked, but his office door opened again, and Dana appeared with more papers to sign. Amelia forced a smile onto her face as she left, thanking him once more for the food.

When she got to her office, she put her head down on the desk and tried not to lose it.

Things were definitely not okay.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Daniel turned to Dana. She’d once again come to his office right after Amelia had left, giving him more refunds to sign. “You need to go to your direct manager with these. And bring all of them all at once.”

“But you’re so much easier to talk to.”

“I’m busy,” he said. “I was trying to have lunch.”

“I could always join you.”
