Page 110 of Fakecation

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“You and Daniel.”

Amelia immediately felt the urge to go on the defensive, but she kept her voice level. “What about me and Daniel?”

“I just thought you should know that some of the people are saying bad things about you. I know we all talk and everything, but people are going way too far.”

“I know,” Amelia admitted.

“You know?”

“I’m very quiet in the break room. I heard some of it yesterday.”

“Was it Dana?” Stacey asked.

“I . . . can’t really answer that.”

“I understand,” Stacey said. “I feel like she’s causing a hostile work environment. I mean, of course it is for you, but not everyone here wants to talk about that. I definitely don’t. Yes, it’s a surprise you two are dating, but it doesn’t involve work. Whatever else is just between you and Daniel.”

“While I agree with you, the only thing I can do is tell people to stop, and I doubt that will help.”

“I know it doesn’t work that way, and I know Cheryl was just as bad as everyone else yesterday. But I wanted you to know . . . not all of us are like that. Not all of us are that interested in your private life.” She gave her a shaky smile.

Amelia blinked, shocked at what she was saying. She hadn’t thought anyone was on her side since her promotion.

“Thank you,” she said genuinely. “It means a lot. Maybe I could try to send an email about it—especially since it’s affecting others.”

“Most of us will respect it. Maybe not Dana, though.”

Amelia couldn’t resist the urge to roll her eyes. “I’d imagine not.”

“Daniel is her boss. If I were him, I’d be livid. But you totally don’t have to tell me anything about it if you don’t want to.”

“I actually never told Daniel what Dana said.”

“Why not?”

“It seems like a personal issue.”

“Right, but it’s at work too.”

“I don’t want Daniel to get upset and retaliate.”

“I get it. I couldn’t even imagine being in your shoes. I mean, you guys just started dating and seeing all of this . . . Ugh.”

“Thank you,” Amelia said, nodding. “That means a lot.”

Stacey smiled and turned for the door. “I guess that’s all. I’ll see you around.”

After Stacey was gone, Amelia took a deep breath, feeling a little bit of tension ease, knowing that at least some people had a good sense of how to be professional.

She was able to focus until noon when she got a message from Daniel.

Daniel: Are you busy? Want to have lunch?

Intrigued, she shut off her computer and walked to his office.

Amelia knocked twice before entering. “Hey,” she said.
