Page 107 of Fakecation

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He could feel his cheeks heat. He remembered his mom asking about his job. This was when he and Lucinda were really going south, and he had told her about the impressive promotion Amelia had gotten.

“You should be going for a woman like that, Daniel. Someone who is as ambitious and driven as you. Not someone who uses you,” his mom had said.

Suddenly, Daniel was embarrassed, and Amelia turned a teasing glance at him.

“Aw, you talked about me to your mom.”

“Okay, maybe I did. But you did the same thing.”

“After we were dating,” Amelia said, the lie sounding so real even he believed it. She smirked at him. “We weren’t dating when I got promoted.”

He didn’t have a response to her ribbing, and thankfully, his mom jumped in.

“Oh, I am so glad he found you, dear,” she said. “You are just what he needs.”

Now Amelia looked embarrassed, and Daniel couldn’t help the satisfaction that spread through him at the blush on her cheeks.

“I hope so,” she said, her hands tapping on her thighs.

He didn’t know why, but Amelia being kind to his mother sent shock waves through him. Lucinda hated anything to do with his mom, and it wasn’t until this moment that he realized how much it had affected him.

As Amelia moved to set the table, his mom looked at him with a grin and said, “I really like her.”

“I do too.” He was surprised by the truth in the words.

As they sat for dinner, his mom told Amelia tales from her farm. She hung on to every word.

Daniel barely talked the whole dinner since his mom dominated the conversation. The only pauses in discussion were immediately filled by Amelia, who would tell his mom stories about her own childhood. He learned a lot at that dinner. Amelia’s parents apparently had them work for money every summer helping grow pumpkins, and Mandy always ran the ticket booth in the fall when the farm opened up.

She revealed that she had always thought about having her own farm but never could part with the city to do so. His mom immediately asked Amelia to visit her.

The dinner went on until eight when his mom mentioned she had a long drive ahead of her. Amelia even offered for her to stay overnight, but Daniel knew she had to get home to take care of the animals at the farm before bed. When she pulled Amelia into a long hug, he was certain he’d be asked about her every time he talked to his mother.

“Drive safe,” Amelia said. “And let Daniel know when you’re home!”

His mom thanked her for being so sweet and then left.

“She’s so nice,” Amelia said. “I don’t know why you were worried at all.”

Hearing that she genuinely liked his mother, and was not just putting up a front to appear to, made him stride forward and kiss her right against the door. She let out a squeak, but it didn’t take her any time at all to return the gesture.

“What was that for?” she asked as she pulled away. “Not that I’m complaining or anything.”

“It was just so nice seeing that you got along with my mother.”

She tilted her head to the side, obviously confused. “She’s so sweet though.”

“You would be surprised at how much Lucinda hated her.”

She frowned. “I really wouldn’t be. It’s her loss anyway.”

Daniel smiled and kissed her again. After working all day, he couldn’t get enough of her—her smell, the feel of her body in his hands.

Then his phone rang.

“If it’s Lucinda or your father, I will kill someone,” Amelia said firmly.

Daniel grabbed his phone. “No, it’s Terri. She’s probably calling to see if I’m dead or not.”
