Page 106 of Fakecation

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“I owed her dinner. Why don’t you stay to have some too?”

“I’m sure you two have plans.”

“You’re welcome here!" Amelia said. "I can only imagine how stressed you’ve been.”

His mom blinked, and he knew she wasn’t used to being welcomed by anyone he was dating. Lucinda had never liked her, preferring the company of his father instead.

“I need to drain the pasta,” Daniel said.

“I’ll help,” his mom offered. “I can’t let my kid do all the work.”

She followed him into the kitchen, and he knew she had questions.

“Where did you find her?”

“I work with her.”

Amelia followed them in. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Water would be lovely, dear,” she said. “I had a long trip to Atlanta.”

Amelia nodded and grabbed his mother a glass of water. “Where did you drive from?”

“Oh, I own a farm in southern Tennessee,” she replied. “I know it’s not fancy or anything, but I love the work.”

There it was. His mother knew that her profession wasn’t glamorous by any means, and she was used to being judged by Daniel’s partners for what she did.

But Amelia’s eyes lit up. “You own a farm? By yourself?”

“I do. It’s not huge, but it’s mine.”

“That’s amazing! My parents are neighbors of a farm, so I used to help out all the time there as a kid.”

“You did?” Daniel asked.

“Oh yeah. I mean, I was terrible at it, but not as bad as John. The photo in the hallway was taken one of the summers that we helped. John looks miserable in it.”

Daniel couldn’t help it. He turned to go look at it and laughed when he saw John’s face. He was covered in mud, wearing overalls, looking angry at the world. Amelia was smiling like she had had the best day of her life.

“I literally keep that to remind John he’s terrible at physical labor that isn’t gym related,” Amelia said.

Daniel’s mom had followed him to the photo and she asked, “Is this a pumpkin farm?”

“It is. Lots of people from Atlanta go there every year, so they always needed help getting ready for fall.”

“I think I’ve heard of them,” she said, smiling. “It’s great that you helped them out.”

“If you can even call what I did helping. I was delegated to watering plants.”

“Daniel told me you two work together.”

“Oh yeah. I’m the director of the HR department.”

“You’re Amelia Rogers?” she asked.

“Wait, you’ve heard of me?”

“Daniel told me about you when you got promoted. He was so impressed.”
