Page 108 of Fakecation

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“You should answer it,” she urged, kissing him on the cheek. “I need to go clean up dinner anyway. Take the bedroom.”

He hated leaving her, and his body still felt warm from how she handled the dinner with his mom. But Terri had to be worried since she’d never gotten an update on how he was feeling.

“Hey, Terri.”

“Oh, thank God. Where are you?”

“I’m with Amelia.”

“Are you okay?”

“Mostly. Yesterday was a lot, so I turned my phone off and forgot to turn it back on.”

“I had to message Amelia.”

“I know. I was with her when she got it.”

Terri let out a breath of relief. “After Dad dropped that bomb, we were worried about you.”

“If I’d been alone, it would have been worse. He called too. He asked why I didn’t like the post.”

“Oh, come on. Is he really that ignorant of what he’s done?”

“I think so,” Daniel replied. “I was thinking about blocking him, actually.”


“Yeah, but I know you like updates sometimes.”

She was silent for a second. “I only wanted updates when it related to you. I couldn’t care less about him.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if I did it?”

“I think you should. You had the right to when he got with Lucinda.”

His chest loosened. “Then I’m going to do it. Block him and her.”

“Did you really keep in contact with him for me?”

“Yes, mostly. But also, part of me wanted at least an apology.”

“But we both know he doesn’t do apologies.” Her voice was dry. “I’m glad you’re doing it, and that Amelia helped you.”

“She’s even letting me stay at her place since Lucinda keeps coming by the old apartment.”

“Really? So, are you guys together now?”

Daniel sighed. “Not officially, but we haven’t talked about it being real yet.”

“You should. I think she could be good for you.”

“Me too. This taste of a life together . . . I could do this forever if she would let me.”

“Have you asked her about it?”

“And what if I don’t like the answer?”

“Then . . . you don’t like the answer.”
