Page 105 of Fakecation

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Daniel glanced over at Amelia, who looked at him expectantly.

“I’ll text you the address.”

His mom said her goodbyes before hanging up.

“Is she coming over?” Amelia asked.


“Where is she coming from?”

“My apartment.”

“Okay, we only have like . . . fifteen minutes.” She looked at her phone. “What’s your mom like?”

“She’s great . . . when she’s not mad. But she’s mad right now. I’m sorry this is even happening.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because we never talked about bringing my mom into it,” he said. “We don’t have to do this.”

“It’s fine,” she said, shrugging. “My mom’s involved.”

“You’re right. I’m just nervous. Plus, you had a bad day.”

“As long as your mom isn’t as catty as the people at work, I’ll be fine. Besides, you made me feel better. I’m up for it.”

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll make dinner.”

“And I’ll clean up a little. It’ll be fine.”

Daniel made a simple dinner of pasta and sauce. The noodles were almost done when there was a loud knock on the door.

Caroline Anderson was a short woman, standing at five foot three, but her personality was far bigger than her body. She had been a single mom for Daniel’s entire life, and had single-handedly raised both children once their father decided he wanted to do bigger and better things.

Seeing his mom was comforting after being away for so long. He had been so busy with work that he never made the hour-and-a-half trip to visit her, which he always felt guilty about. The fact that she was in Atlanta by herself meant she had made the drive only not to find him at his apartment, and he couldn’t imagine how stressed she was.

“Hi, Mom,” Daniel said, hugging her. She smelled like the farm she lived on, which made him miss home. “Thanks for coming by.”

“Hi, Daniel,” she said, but her voice was still tight. She pulled away and took a good look at him. “You look better than I expected.”

He knew that if he had been by himself, he probably would have fallen into a rabbit hole of despair.

“Come in,” he offered, moving aside. She stepped into the apartment and took a long look around.

Anyone could tell the difference between Amelia and Lucinda’s decoration styles. Lucinda wanted everything to be perfect and clean. She only liked black-and-white pieces that looked good but had no functionality.

Amelia was far more colorful. In more ways than one.

It was then that Daniel could tell his mother was a little shocked. As she surveyed the apartment, her mouth opened and shut as she took it all in.

Amelia came out of her bedroom while his mother continued to stare. She looked a bit disheveled, but when she saw his mom, she smiled at her warmly.

“Hi,” Amelia said, a kind smile on her face. “You must be Daniel’s mom.”

“Hello,” his mom replied. “It’s nice to meet you. Are you cooking?”

“Daniel is.”
