Page 104 of Fakecation

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Hi, Amelia, I am so sorry to message you like this. I haven’t heard from Daniel since Saturday, and with the news that came out yesterday, my mom and I are worried about him. Do you know if he was at work today?

“Oh no,” he said. “My phone is in your apartment.”

“Let’s go get it then.”

The moment he turned it on, he was flooded with messages, particularly ones from his mom that grew more and more worried as time went on.

“My family is going to kill me.”

“I’ll tell Terri you’re all right.”

“And I’ll call my mom.” He scrolled through the various messages, seeing a few from his father and Lucinda.

“Oh thank God,” his mom said instead of hello. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Good. Now I can be mad. Where the hell are you?”

Daniel winced.

“Mom, I’m fine. I’m at . . .” He looked over at Amelia and remembered he hadn’t told his mom what had happened. “I’m out.”

“You’re out the very next night after your father drops a nuclear bomb on you? With who? I went to your place and Lucinda was there, acting like she was still married to you.”

“You went to my apartment?”

“I’m still at your apartment!” she said. “I’m outside, anyway. I came because I’ve been trying to call you ever since I saw what your father announced. I was worried about you.”

“I’m sorry,” he replied. “I needed some space from my phone after he dropped that massive bomb.”

“While I understand that, it doesn’t explain where you’ve been.”

He glanced at Amelia.

“I’m with my girlfriend,” he replied.

“Promise me it’s not Lucinda.”

“What? No! I would never. Besides, if it were her, I’d be in my apartment right now and you know I’m not there.”

She blurted out, “Well how was I supposed to know? She wouldn’t let me in the front door!” She hesitated for a moment, her tone a touch lighter. “But with the way she said she was busy, it certainly sounds like you two are back together.”

“Mom, I promise, I’m not with Lucinda.”

Amelia grabbed his shoulder. “Invite her over,” she whispered.

“What? I—”

“Who is that?”

“Amelia. My girlfriend. I’m staying with her because Lucinda keeps showing up at the apartment.”

“You’re staying with someone else? Tell me where.”

“It’s fine. You don’t have to—”

“After the scare you just gave me, I need to see you.”
