Page 18 of To Be Fated

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When I open my eyes I spot several bottles of girly shit. Slowly, the emotions calm.

Grace or Lizzie must’ve got her something to wash up with. I flip the top cap open and see it’s been used. She accepts help from them.

She trusts them. She’s bonded with them. Hell, she heard Lizzie…even if it was out of desperation. There is hope; she just needs to get comfortable here. And with me. I sniff the bottle and quickly put it back. I prefer her natural smell better, but if she wants to use this shit that’s fine with me.

I convince myself that she’ll feel a pull to me at some point. Hopefully once I claim her, my essence should outweigh his. After all, I’m her rightful mate. Although, I honestly have no idea how it works. I’ve never known a wolf to claim an already claimed mate. My heart stills and my blood runs cold. I better still be able to claim her.

Fear makes my breath come up short as I leave the stall and fist the towel in my hand. She’s mine to claim. It’ll destroy me if my bite is useless to her. I dry off in a rush as a panic sets in. The need to hold my mate is all consuming. My wolf whines in my chest until I open the door and see her lying under the covers on her side staring at the monitor on the nightstand. She watches me as I cross the room and walk with hard, determined strides to be by her side. I don’t waste any time to lie behind her and kiss her exposed neck. It’s the side that’s untouched. The side that will bear my mark.

I look at the monitor and a genuine, although sad, smile plays at my lips. There’s a tiny screen showing the sleeping pup in the cradle and a bar of green light at the top. Soft white noise bellows from the little machine. He’s so small on the screen. Wrapped up tight in the thin, little blanket. He has more hair on an infant than I’ve ever seen and it’s all black and thick. He may have his father’s features, but he’s so serene and fragile looking that I fail to see Shadow in his sweet little face at all.

I pull her closer to me, but with distance for her sake, and whisper into her ear, “You did good, baby.” A beat passes and she says nothing, but her body molds against mine as a happy sigh leaves her lips and her fingertips gently touch the screen. She’s far more relaxed and happier now that she can see her son. I give her jaw a small kiss and pull back the covers. I still think she’ll feel our bond if only she’d let me in. And I’m determined to start tonight.

“Will you trust me for just a moment?” I ask her in a whisper. I’m quick to add, “I won’t ever hurt you.”

The cords in her neck tighten as she swallows and then agrees, “Yes, I’ll trust you.”

My heart pounds with uncertainty.

“Lie back and part your legs for me.” I whisper the words and nip her earlobe before moving from behind her to give her room to do as I say. Her smile fades at my command, and I almost regret speaking. But she needs this. She needs to learn that I will give her pleasure without taking anything from her. That I will be selfless and love her even if she doesn’t love me. And I’m going to give her that reason right now.

“If you want me to stop, say so,” I tell her, and she nods in understanding but doesn’t say the word.

She lies back on the bed, her hands rest at the hem of her gown that’s risen on her parted thighs, looks to the ceiling, takes a deep breath, then looks back at me, and waits for my next command. She’s so innocent and vulnerable. I’m going to make this good for her. It’s all about her tonight. The thought of my lips on her pussy makes my dick swell and beg for attention, but I’m only focused on making her feel good. I want her to let go completely.

Even if for only a moment. Perhaps that’s all she needs to feel this between us. The pull that is near crippling for me.

I lean forward and push the fabric up her stomach. I kiss along her belly and marvel at the silver marks barely visible on her body. I nuzzle into her belly and kiss her stretch marks. One at a time, loving how they’ll stay with her. They’re evidence of her strength. She writhes under me and I move lower. Kissing and nipping her soft skin.

Soft moans escape and she nearly moves her hand to my hair. That’s my good girl.

I push my thumbs through the thin fabric that separates her heat from me and rip it off her, tossing it carelessly to the side of the bed. Her lips part in shock and I watch her pussy clench and glisten with arousal. Yes baby, let me please you. I lick my lips and gently lift my fingers to her heat, finding her wet. That takes me by surprise, and I fucking love it. I almost push my fingers into her tight pussy but think better of it. She said she was sore…even if she lied, I’m not going to enter her. I’ll make her come on my tongue and nothing else.

I’ll give, and I’ll take nothing. I’ll show her my worth and my desire. Maybe she’ll grow to love me, even if she never feels what I feel for her. I will take anything—a morsel of affection from her could bring me to my knees.

Her breathing quickens as I lean down and take a long, languid swipe of her pussy and groan. Fuck, she tastes so damn good. A tang that makes my mouth water. My fingers dig into her hips, holding her down and open so I can get more of her on my tongue. I dip into her heat and curl my tongue to massage the front wall of her pussy. The sound of her gasping and grabbing the sheets as she writhes at my touch makes me grin into her pussy. I give her another lick before moving to her throbbing clit.

As I suckle her clit gently, listening to her soft moans, a thought strikes me. Did he ever lick her this way and give her pleasure that she should have only gotten from my touch? The image of that asshole giving her pleasure heats my blood and fuels my need to taste her arousal. I growl against her heat and ravage her pussy like a starving man. Angry at the knowledge that he ever had a taste of my mate makes me suck her harder without any mercy. My tongue flicks and massages against her clit as she screams out her orgasm and shatters beneath me. I groan with pleasure as her body trembles in my hands. Her hips attempt to buck against me, but I grip her tighter and force her ass back onto the bed.

She’s going to fucking take it.

I lick up her arousal before diving into her heat with my rigid, thick tongue. I want more. Her tiny fists move to cover her mouth and muffle her screams of pleasure. Her heels dig deeper into the mattress as her body tries to move away from the intense waves of pleasure. I breathe into her heat and lick her clit as my fingers dip slightly into her tight pussy. With one arm reaching up her torso, I hold her there and cup her breast at the same time. Kneading and plucking her hardened peak. Her back arches with another moan and I love every second of her pleasure. She’s soaking wet and I want so badly to enter her, even if it’s only with my fingers. “You too sore for my fingers baby?” I have no fucking clue how my voice comes out smooth and confident. Teasingly almost. My breathing is uneven and labored, and I’m on the verge of begging to be inside her. But my words show no hint of my desperation.

She shakes her head, her eyes tightly closed, and moans, “Please.” A grin pulls at my lips.

I can’t help myself. “Please what baby?” I stare at her beautiful, flushed face and bunch the fabric farther up her body, exposing the hard peaks of her nipples. I cup her full breast before pinching her nipple between my fingers once again. She jumps at the contact, but I push her hip down with my other hand.

She moans low and sensual as her eyes slowly find mine. She looks hazy with lust as she bites her lip and blushes. “I want your fingers, please.”

Fuck. Those words on her lips tempt me to fuck her. My erection bobs with need between us, leaking more precum at her softly spoken plea. I close my eyes and groan, thanking the gods for blessing me with my mate before leaning down and sucking her clit while I push two thick fingers into her dripping pussy. I moan against her clit at the feel of her tight walls pulsing against my fingers. I pull back to watch her as her back arches off the bed. She’s so fucking beautiful. My thumb pushes against her clit as my fingers stroke her front wall. Her gasps of pleasure coming from her plump lips fill my chest with pride.

I bend while keeping my eyes on her and suckle her clit, pumping my fingers relentlessly into her wet core. Her moans get louder and louder as she approaches her release. Her fingers pull at my hair and scratch my scalp as she pushes my face into her greedy pussy. Her need for me makes me want to smile, but I keep finger fucking her and sucking her clit faster and harder, giving her exactly what she wants. It doesn’t take long for her body to bow and for her hands to leave my head and cover her mouth as she screams in utter ecstasy.

I pull back, letting her clit pop as I lose suction on her. Her body jolts at the sensation and I stare down at her quivering body with a heated gaze. Her taste covers my mouth as I lick my lips, enjoying the sight of her and the knowledge that I made her come. I made her feel alive. Her hazel eyes travel down her body and meet my stare. A shock goes through me as her eyes brighten with lust and more. An intense pull pulses between us. Our breathing slows in unison as we stare into each other’s eyes. She has to be feeling this. I need her to feel the pull that I feel to her.

Please tell me you feel it baby.

Just as I make a move to crawl up her body and give her true pleasure, the fucking baby monitor goes off with the sound of our little one crying. Red coloring fills the sound bars on the screen as the wails continue. The lustful trance between us is shattered as her eyes dart to the monitor and she pulls her legs together and into her stomach. She turns over and props herself up, ready to run to her crying infant. She stills and her breath stalls as she glances at me and then down to the floor. A look of guilt passes over her face, and I don’t understand why.
