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“You told me I had to do whatever you told me to do. Across my lap will be the most comfortable for both of us.” He gave her a small smile. “Now, tell me what you want me to do.”

Her eyes went wide as she glanced down at his hard cock, still glistening from her juices. “I want you to spank me.”

“Well, then, come here, and let’s see if that’s the case.”

She had read more than one book with a spanking scene. The woman always seemed to enjoy it, but she didn’t understand why. When she was a kid, she certainly didn’t like spanking. Why would she now?

She got out of bed. Shame washed over her like a cold shower. “I can’t believe I told you about that. What was I thinking? Heck, what must you think of me?”

Blake got out of bed and walked to the side where she stood. He took her hand and led her to his side of the bed. He twisted her so her back rested against him, and he pulled her in tight. He whispered, “Never regret telling me something you desire. I will give you the world if you ask for it.” His hand squeezed her nipple, and she gasped. “Now, lie across my lap so I can see your beautiful ass.”

Heat grew between her legs, and the ache of desire returned. There was something different in his voice, and it burned her to the core. She did as he instructed.


Angela flinched with surprise.


Warmth grew under Blake’s hand, and the sting wasn’t painful but invigorating. She wanted more.

“How are you?” Blake asked.

Angela turned her head over her shoulder. “Fine.”

“What color? Tell me what color.”

“But I said I’m fine.”

“It’s important that I know how you feel, and using the colors is a better way of explaining it than saying fine or good. Trust me, Angela.”


“Is that a question?”

This was about to get annoying. “Green. Yes, it’s green.”

When he spanked her next, it was harder, and she began to understand what he meant. Her mind told her this was wrong, but the wetness building in her core told her it was right.

“Let me see how you feel.” Blake slid his hand over her butt and slipped a finger inside. “Oh, I think you like it.”

He spanked her again and again, differing in intensity. At first, she braced herself, expecting his hand, but it became too hard to focus, and she gave into the pleasure.

“Your ass has never looked more beautiful,” Blake said. “Get on your hands and knees.”

She did as he said. He was not subtle when he jammed himself inside her. He slammed into her, making her cry out.

“Angela, what color.”

“Green, oh dear God, green.”

He took hold of her hips and brought her to him over and over. Her walls squeezed him tight. Her orgasm came on so strong her whole body spasmed, and she tightened around him more with each wave of pleasure. His body tensed, and he fell over the edge, holding her against him.

She collapsed on the bed, and he rested on top of her.

“I don’t know if that’s what you had in mind.” He intertwined her fingers with hers.

“I don’t know either, but I liked it. I liked it a lot, and I want more.”
