Page 94 of Moonstone Maelstrom

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“Each floor is dedicated to a different race of paranormal?”

“Yeah. Werewolves are on the second floor. Witches are on the third floor, and then you have the penthouse, which is neutral ground for all supernaturals who want to mingle.”

There’s curiosity in Josephine’s gaze as she spins around on the leather bar stool to take everything in, lingering on the dancers on stage as they sway and shake to the beat of the music. Curiosity, and maybe a bit of desire there as well.

How hot is that?

I have been alive for centuries, and in that time, I have come across many beautiful women. There is something about Josephine Dumont that sets her apart from all the others—she falls into a new category of her own. I don’t know what it is about her, but I’m always left wanting more.

More of her smile, her scent—gods, just her.

I need more.

If she were mine, I would show her exactly how pleasurable all of this can be. She looks like she could take quite a bit. In fact, I already know she can.

“What?” she asks, quirking a brow when she catches me looking at her.

“It’s nothin’, cher.” I shake my head, unable to hide my smirk. If she knew the lewd thoughts going through my depraved mind right now…

“No, tell me.” She places a hand on my knee, sending a thrill of arousal straight into my dick. “I want to know,” her voice grows lower, and I’m locked in her dark gaze.

I lean close and lower my voice to match hers. “Are you sure about that?”

Her scent changes ever so slightly and I inhale deeply, getting my fill of her. My jeans grow uncomfortably tight and I either need to put some space between us or I’m going to lose my grip and enact some of my fantasies out right here, right now. I groan and pull her off the stool with a gentle tug. “Come on.”

“What? We just got here.”

“Oh, darlin’. We aren’t even here yet. This is just the lounge. Let me show you the real Club Sanguine.”

“Hold on. At least let me finish my drink.” She grabs the base of her bottle, and I do the same.


Josie blinks at me, head tilting slightly and sending pink curls cascading over her shoulder. “Huh?”

“It means cheers.”

“Oh. Skål.” She raises her beer, but I laugh and pull mine back before the bottles can clink.

“No, you don’t just say ‘skål’. You say it with gusto… from the chest.” I beat a fist against my chest and demonstrate, then gesture for Josephine to give it another go.

She does, clearing her throat before bellowing, “Skål!” like a true Viking. We clink our drinks together and throw back the rest of our beer.

She slams the empty bottle down on the bar. “Okay, now I’m ready.”

“Fuckin’ right.”

I grab Josephine’s hand and pull her away from the bar. She comes with me easily, but falters when I point us toward the door that opens to the stairwell and the various entrances to the supernatural floors.

“You’re gonna love it. Trust me.”

I give her hand a reassuring squeeze, and when she squeezes back, the fear is gone, replaced by curiosity, a sparkle shimmering in her dark eyes as she looks from me to the unassuming door.

Good. I can work with that.

If—gods willing—Josephine turns out to be my Unity Witch, I look forward to thoroughly satisfying her curiosity.

* * *
